Thursday, 2 December 2010

Why England Lost The 2018 World Cup Bid

From the very moment that this picture was taken, back in May 2009, England's chances of winning the bid to host the 2018 World Cup were totally doomed.

The curse has struck again!


Andrew Ampers Taylor said...

So Brown does have his uses then? :)

Just keep him away from any Rugby bids!


Sean O'Hare said...

Wow Gotty that was a lightening quick post.  Did you anticipating we would lose or did you have two different posts ready.

Oldrightie said...

Great news, we still have the vomit inducing year and a half of Olympic debt to stomach.

Dazed-and-Confused said...


And of course it's also reassuring to note that both the BBC and their beloved New Labour Masters continued to beaver away merrily, just in case the curse of old one eye was in anyway wearing thin. 

With "Patriots" such as BBC/New Labour in our camp, a first round exit in the world cup bid was an absolute certainty.

Dazed-and-Confused said...

Stop press...

The BBC engage in hypocrisy shocker, after their wilful destruction of the England bid via their Panorama programme on Monday night...

SO IS THIS an extra one billion pounds we can now chalk up as an add on, to our already compulsory licence fees, regarding the "Unique" way of how the BBC/New Labour socialist dinosaur is funded?

Anonymous said...

Cameron had nothing to do with this failure of course.

james higham said...

Rooney - yeah.

Captain Haddock said...

Thank Fuck !!!!!!

Dave said...

Brown could make a good living by charging a fee for agreeing not to congratulate or wish  organisations well.

Captain Haddock said...

Better yet ...

Send the toxic cunt on a "good will " tour of Afghanistan (carefully avoiding British Troops .. and as he reckons he can "save" the world, he won't need their protection either)  .. within a week, Terry Taliban & all his oppos would be keeling over in droves ..

And our Lads & Lasses could have Christmas where they belong, with their loved ones .. instead of being stuck in some fly-blown 7th century shit-heap of a country ... said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha fucking hahahahahahahahahahahahahah
 from your welsh friends

Captain Haddock said...

Having zero interest in watching (or hearing about) a bunch of semi-human mongs .. kicking a wind-filled sphere up & down a field for an hour & a half ..

Your glee is somewhat lost on me ..

Is there perhaps a hidden message there ?

sixtypoundsaweekcleaner said...

I'll never understand why the Houses of Parliament didn't fall down around his ears when he was Prime Monster.  I'm sure if they did a survey of the foundations, they would find hairline cracks appearing where they least expect it...

Captain Haddock said...

Because the "Houses of Bastards" were purposely designed with that in mind ..

The Devil takes care of his own spawn ...

Fuck face said...

Stupid welsh cunt.  Get a life, try to find happiness in your own success (if you have any that is?) and stop finding joy in other people's failings.  Not that I personally feel that not getting the world cup costs round our neck is a failure in any way.

Anyway, as I said, fuck off you mindless welsh cunt...

banned said...

Sorry, could you repeat that?

banned said...

Shame really, now we won't get to see the Russian mafia breaking Seb Coes legs.

banned said...

Shame really, now we won't get to see the Russian mafia breaking Seb Coes legs.

AnthonyS said...

Three men went on a skiing holiday together in Switzerland. They turned up at the hotel and only one room was left... and it only had one double bed. The three of them thought fuck it... we're all good blokes... we all trust each other.

David took the left-wing side of the bed, Gordon slept in the mid-field section, and Wayne took the right-wing side of the bed. David suddenly woke up in the middle of the night all sweaty and proclaimed: ''I've just had this vivid dream of getting a hand-job''. Within seconds Wayne woke up too and said ''fuck me, that's unbelievable, I've just had the same dream!''

A few seconds later, Gordon woke up and said ''that's funny... I dreamt I was skiing''.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news that we came left.

A slap in the face for all the chav cunts who care about crap like this.