It looks as though the revolution may finally have kicked off then. Thank fuck for that, I was beginning to think it would never come. According to the latest news, Tory HQ at Millbank has been evacuated and there's all sorts of window smashing, violence and fire and shit going on. The protesting students also have their eye on LibDem HQ in Cowley street and I was kinda hoping that they may have time to swing by Labour HQ too.
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Banner would have been perfect if you'd included the Labour logo too! |
+++ UPDATE +++ 16:23hrs
Sky News reporting that bricks and other missiles still being thrown at police and some demonstrators are setting fire to their placards and throwing those too. It appears that the Police are unable to control the angry crowd.
I'm pissed off they aren't attacking Labour HQ.
Labour, after all, introduced tuition fees.
Some were already rebelling
lf anyone thinks we as the people have no power, listen to this guy taking on 4 customs officers. He ties them up in knots because he knows his rights. Everyone has rights ... use them!
Methinks those successfully prosecuted should have their grant cancelled.
Spartan - good audio.
Good on the students - at least they're off their lazy, pissed-up arses and doing something. They put most of the country to shame for being shat on for so long.
Bring On The Revolution's gonna love this!
"that they may have time to swing by Labour HQ too." I doubt it, they are mostly leftie twats. If it were a genuine revolution then they would.
Looks like the start of another Winter of Discontent!!!
The students just need to understand that huge sums of money can be saved if we got rid of all the Muzzie parasitic asylum seeker immigrants that either take all the new jobs created or scrounge off the British taxpayer (Then preach "death to the Infidel"), made all the home-grown workshy layabout benefit scrongers that are perfectly capable of getting off their fucking fat lazy arses and and fucking work for a change, got rid of all the interfering Gaurdianista "Five a fucking Day" and "Diversity-fucking-Awareness" Co-ordinator non-job parasitic cunts, got out of the utterly Evil Neo-Stalinist EUSSR and brought all the troops home, and just looked after OUR own for a fucking change, then there would be NO NEED at all for tuition fees. SIMPLES!!!
Just sadly so many of the students have been so brainwashed over the years by the Bien Pensant Socialist fuckwit cunts!
God we have a fucking lot of work to do when the revolution proper does finally start!!!
Sounds like that ole street warfare is getting underway.
I have to agree with some prior commenters. If they were going after the entire political class, then I might be inclined to join in with the smelly socialist bastards :)
Interesting times...
Not a chance that they will swing by Labour HQ, where tuition fees originated. Just the usual suspects out for bit of a ruck really.
Bit of a deja vu moment watching revolting students on telly again. I live in a university city and the students have been the most self centred couldn't give a fuck about anything except getting pissed and laid for decades; at least in the past they have pretended to protest on someone elses behalf, the werkers or the third world or ban the fucking bomb.
Police, your duty is clear: Get Kettling :-D .
posted to gotty the other month y-tube being a dickheads cool =-X and lefty wastrel rent-a-mob are on the rampage cunts the lot of em =-X
We need a malmo sniper
ps, Last year the students in my city were pretty solid LibDem, even returning in their hols just to vote for them. This year they all seem to be Conservative; go figure, as our American friends say.
As a riot, it was a bit like a late night kebab. Seemed like a good idea at the time. seemed quite tasty at the time, but the morning after you realise it was complete shit and in your guts you regret it terribly :(
Actually, although I agree it makes a change to see our lazy "give it us on a plate" yoof get out of their stinking idle beds and do something, on the whole it was just the usual socialist workers etc rent a mob. On the whole, therefore, they should all have been shot with 12 bore, sprayed with acid and sent home to play on their XBoxes. :(
Still, makes a change.
Just my view. :-D
Quite so. SWP etc etc etc.
If the scruffy bastards have the energy to riot ..
They're obviously not getting anywhere near enough "Homework" ..
Useless cunts ...
Much ado about nowt
Same show,same players,same script...looks good them a change from climate change
or badger saving.........establishment pimps
<span>"As a riot, it was a bit like a late night kebab" ...</span>
<span>And it usually ends up giving you the screaming shits .. just like ferkin' idle, lay-about students ...</span>
Absolutely IW ..
I'm a bit out of touch these days .... Who's the current Tariq Ali ?
There's got to be one, the professional, full-time rabble-rouser ...
With you Captain.
Hate to be a party pooper here folks but these useless cunts are showing off because.... because .... what? The dummy's been plucked from the still pouting lips and they've got the hump. Government spending is going to be reduced so much that it will actually be more in 2011-12 and in the three years after that. It's alright chaps, we've got deep pockets, right?
It must be very exciting to break a few windows and light some fires, especially as the nights draw in. They are going to be wanking themselves silly over their half-pints of mild tonight. And that will be it. A little claret spilt, a bit of work for hard-pressed glaziers who will be presenting their VAT-lite invoices over the next few days if they've got any sense.
Part of me hopes I'm wrong and this will be a genuine and lasting movement of rebellion. I've seen (and been caught up in) genuine rebellions in warmer climes, however, and they tend to have a less ... predictable... feel about them. Tell you something, when you're in one, you don't half fucking know about it!
"<span>Part of me hopes I'm wrong and this will be a genuine and lasting movement of rebellion."</span>
We could only wish. Being on campus myself I've been interacting with quite a few students on this, it comes down simply to a sense of entitlement and goes no deeper than that. As others had said, if it was an attack on the Political Class it would be encouraging; it is anything but. There is no depth of thought, and an abundance of self-serving hypocrisy, including amongst my fellow academics.
I'm reminded here of something Nietzsche said over 120 years ago in Twilight of the Idols:
"In politics, too, enmity has become much more spiritual - much more prudent, much more thoughtful, much more forbearing. Almost every party grasps that it is in the interest of its own self-preservation. Almost every party grasps that it is in the interestr of its own self-preservation that the opposing party should not decay in strength; the same is true of grand politics. A new creation in particular, the new Reich for instance, has more need of enemies than friends: only in opposition does it feel itself necessary, only in opposition does it become necessary...."
(pp.43-4, Emphasis his).
I can't remember the little cunts protesting when fees were INTRODUCED by Labour. Usual partisan shitre stoked up by the bbcunts
>I was kinda hoping that they may have time to swing by Labour HQ too.
Christ, are you really that naive?
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