So the UN are telling us all to donate our hard earned cash in an attempt to raise £290 million to help save the victims of the Pakistan floods. If we don't, so they tell us, many more people will die.
Just out of interest you might like to know that China have recently bunged Pakistan $200 million to help support their space program. Oh, and only 10 days ago the Pakistan Prime Minster said that Pakistan will never compromise on it's $2 billion nuclear program".
I can't really speak for Pakistan but suffice to say my financial priorities don't concern the victims of a couple of heavy rain showers and bit of flooding either. I'm too busy paying for other things too ...... like food and a roof over the head of my family.
So ...... if anyone at the U-fucking-N is reading this, very sorry and all that but, charity begins at home and I suggest you relay that message to both the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan.
In the meantime .....

My sentiments exactly..
Spot-on, as usual, Gotty.
Here's what I think of them - shame it's not in the plural....
Needed saying Gotty.
Still breaks your heart watching the poor bastards though. Especially the kids.
I understand that the BNP are contributing to the Pakistani Relief Appeal Fund.
They sent 6000 crocodiles.
On the BBCs five live programme, beeboid Peter Allen was chastising the public for not giving enough in donations to help the poor Pakistanis. He wasn't getting much sympathy withs his one sided propaganda of attempting to shame, so he introduced the classic Socialist line "Think Of The Children"....
Yep!!!!!! - That's precisely what I'm thinking about in contributing fuck all. This is how the fuckers are likely to repay our generosity in the coming age!
"So the UN are telling us all to donate our hard earned cash in an attempt to raise £290 million to help save the victims of the Pakistan floods. If we don't, so they tell us, many more people will die" ...
Just trying to remember the words to an old song ....
Ahh, yes .. got it ....
"Every cloud has a silver lining" ..... :-D :-D :-D
Did Pakistan send any charity donations when Yorkshire was having it's major floods, possibly of the same scale as the ones Pakistan is currently having? Nope! So why should we send money to Pakistan when it can afford to help itself. It's not a poor country like Haiti.
It pisses me off that the "relief agencies" are bigging it up to such an extent that they say it is has affected more people than the 2004 tsunami. Twist the stats to show that something that killed 250,000 isn't as bad as something that killed a couple of thousand. Cunts.
Anyway if your mud hut has been washed away there will be plenty of fresh mud to start building a fancy new hovel, maybe an extra bedroom for your goat.
Ungrateful bastards.
Dazed-and-Confused: BBC shower of cunts, yup. Peter Allen stupid sod, certainly. Socialist line, I'm starting to waver. It's not the kids' fault that they are being mind-fucked by adults who need a bullet between the eyes. I was always trained to choose my targets with care and then not miss.
Don't mean any offence old chum, honestly, and I'm contributing fuck-all too. I just reserve my rage for the fuckwits who really deserve it. And I'll still be watching my back in years to come...
When Pakistamis stop bombing the West, I'll start digging deeply into my pocket.
I think I am safe here.
Tell you what, quit the EUSSR and donate half the money saved in the first year. Win, win. Kids saved and us too!
Quit the EUSSR and donate half the dosh in the first year. Kids saved and so would we be!
Feel free to use this picture - hopefully the code below works but not sure :
GZ8/TF3Timy7mYI/AAAAAAAAAX0/eA4EAWGJqeA/s1600/DEC+Pakistan+Appeal.jpg" />
If the floods happened here it's guaranteed that some mad islamic cleric would pop up and say that it's Allah's punishment for our decadent ways.
They are strangely silent on this one though...
When I first saw this story in the Blogger reader on my dashboard, I was a bit worried. I suspected that you may have gone too far on this occasion.
On actually reading the post however, I have to say I agree with every word of that. I think making sure people are helped at a time of great difficulty is considerably more important than funnelling money into nuclear weapons too. What a shame the Pakistani leadership disagrees.
It must be God's punishment for being as Mr Cameron put it "Exporters of terrorism" Let the fuckers die, they are only Muzzie Paki cunts anyway, the world will be a better place without these inbreed retarded fuckwit suicide-bombing Muzzie cunts, they sure as hell won't be getting out of me!
I had a phone call earlier from someone appealing for help regarding the flood in Pakistan, I said I'm a bit stretched at the moment, but I'm willing to empty the pond and fish tank if it can help things along. I guess they have enough help then as they hung up on me ...
Here's a video BEFORE the latest floods,no out cry for these people. NOTHING!
Muslims really are the worst of hypocrites,disgusting people.
Oh,and the guy in the video says they were displaced,they were attacked and had their homes burnt out peaceful muslims.
Karma,muslims,karma.You will get nothing from me." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140
Bang on the money GOT! As well as the other posters comments here. Fuck 'em
There's some miserable sounding cunt on TODAY from the Paki Hi Commishun bleating about the speed aid is arriving. Ungrateful cunt! Agree with all above.
ref LOL's posting above, donations for Pakistan's Christians can be made to the Barbabus Fund - 'cos they'll certainly get nothing from the Pakistan government.
Like fuck they did mate .. (mind you, neither did any other bugger) ...
No help when Boscastle got flooded in 2004 .. or Gloucestershire in 2007 either ..
Bollocks to foreign aid ...
Its God's punishment for breeding like fucking rabbits ...
Wey-hey ....
I hope they ring me .... I could do with a fucking good laugh ... :-D :-D :-D
Why isn't Allah sorting it all out?
Having watched news footage of lazy bastards sitting round, doing fuck-all to help themselves and then complaining about the lack of help, I'm buggered if they're getting anything off me.....apart from which I already gave and I had no fucking choice in the matter...thanks Dave!
You are right they must have got billions from the UK taxpayer over the years.
All wasted on arms nothing spent sorting the drains out.
Bangladesh is the same they cut all the trees down so the land just washes away but why worry the West will bail us out.
Snips from:
Pakistan Monsoon Floods: UK response factsheet
UK aid announced so far will provide help for around one and a half million people in Pakistan affected by the floods. The UK Government has earmarked up to £31.3million in response to the UN Pakistan appeal, with £16.8million so far allocated. In addition, a £10million bridge project has been brought forward.
UK aid contribution to date overview
• Five plane loads of aid from United Arab Emirates to Islamabad (three already delivered, two more due): one RAF C17, three 747s, and one 777, carrying a total of 400 metric tonnes of aid
• Bridges project brought forward: £10million
• Emergency ‘seed money’ released: £750,000 (approx 102,083,422 PKR)
• Radio broadcast emergency information programme: £45,000 (approx 6,125,005 PKR)
• Extension of DFID loan guarantee scheme to small enterprises affected by the floods
• Scottish Government contribution to Scottish aid agencies in country: £500,000
So British tax payers money has given the U.A.E. and they fly it in and take the credit and profit?
Bridge Building?
Radio broadcasts
Aim: provide vital information on where to get food, shelter, plus advice on how to avoid disease etc
Partner: BBC World Service Trust and Internews
Amount: approx £50,000 provided from core funding
Extension of loan guarantee to small businesses
Aim: help small businesses restart their operations
Partner: State Bank of Pakistan
Amount: extension of a pre-existing £8million guarantee to facilitate loans
What: using the DFID guarantee banks will offer up to PKR1million to small enterprises to restart their operations
Number to benefit: small enterprises which have been affected by the floods
Where: All of Pakistan
When: available immediately
Previous contributions being spent in response to the monsoon floods
• New York Central Emergency Response Fund has announced $10million in response to the monsoon floods, of which UK’s contribution makes up $2million
• European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO): DFID contributes 16% to the budget
New York Central Emergency Response Fund?
"DFID" contributes 16%
Fuck me!!! - And they stiil expect us to donate???
After reading this this morning I upset a customer...ha, no fucking loss the cunt, by saying after being asked if I had donated to the appeal...yes, I sent a screwdriver. What for they asked, so they can start dismantling the nuclear weapons and put the money to a humanitarian use.
Of course they didn't think it was funny, but had no reply.
I see the scientists are saying that it's all down to the positioning of the jet stream why we are having a crappy summer here in Britain and the Russians are having a massive heatwave and why the monsoon rains are exceptionally heavy in Paki land. Well in my book I'm more than happy to have crappy summer here in Britain and is just a small price to pay for having a few less filthy Muzzie ungrateful Paki cunts, let all the fuckers drown and be washed away. It's great as well that they are on the edge of the tectonic plate of the Indian Sub-Continent which usually results in earthquakes so if the floods don't get them, then hopefully an earthquake will! Die you Muzzie Paki cunts die!!!
According to JuliaM the Taliban don't want our "Western Money"
So let me get this right. The flood has affected the Swat Valley region and this is the area that our Armed Forces have been annhilating the Taliban and they expect us to fund a relief effort. The ISI have been complicit in aiding and abetting the Taliban and if I was in charge would have nuked the place by now. Fuck those Islamic cunts and if it means that childeren die then what are we going to do. We did nothing wrong to them and still they sign up for the great jihad and 72 virgins...FFS. This shit has been going on for centuries it is not new it is nothing to do with Global Warming there it a reason it is called the Monsoon Season.
'kin brilliant "H" ...
Wish I'd thought of that .... :-D :-D :-D
Just as fucking well then ...
As they weren't getting owt from me anyway .... :-D :-D
Watch this U fuckers.
The army of Alexander The Great got bolloxed by flash floods in the valley of the Indus; did he bitch and moan about "give us dosh coz it's all about the evils of manmadeglobalwarming?
Did he fuck, he dealt with it and conquered the neighbouring fuckers anyway.
Whats tall, green and has two hundred eyes?
A tree in Pakistan
Not bad for a poofter... Anyway, if he wanted money he just raided the nearest treasury. Plus ca change.
Seems like sympathy is in short supply. Would Pakistan help us? No.
If its "sympathy" they're looking for Gildas ...
I refer them to the Dictionary .. "Sympathy" comes somewhere between "Shit" & "Syphilis" ... ;)
I wouldn't give them five cents. They can fuck off too!
What about our home town people, they need donations more that the dummies who build stick huts on the edge of rivers.
My first thought was - what about all their fithy oil rich muzzie mates in Saudi, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and Iran? Zakat - one of the five pillars?! We've already paid for the oil, and you want us to give twice?
Nice touch by the BBC omitting to even mention the Pakistan government's spending arrangements...
At the end of the day, nobody fucking likes them, it's only other pakistanis that are donating money.
Actually the monsoon is fucked up... hence the drought in Russia... whatever the reason, you are talking bollocks on that one. There are just too many of them; they are too thick/uneducated; and the country is totally corrupt and mismanaged beyond anything even the worst Lib Dem council can manage.
Apart from that, I totally agree.
...probably swimming too hard to catch their breath.
It's a complete cheek constantly trying to emotionally blackmail the public into donating... aren't we taxed enough?! The useless triumvirate has got a whole department DFID dedicated to handing over our taxes to foreigners who don't need it (e.g. aid to China for how many years!? we gave 'em HK as well as Kowloon!!).
The govt should be raiding the coffers of big corporations for this shit, not bothering me for sympathy. Especially when history teaches us that most of it ends up in a numbered Swiss bank account of some gangster anyway.
The only answer is to drop out of consuming the media.. don't buy papers; throw out your telly, and use your HiFi for music not listening to propaganda!
Funny how on the one hand they bleat on about other countries like the US and UK not helping them enough, even though as you rightly point out elsewhere they have billions to spend on other shit like a nuclear weapons programme! And then how do they repay us anyway when we do help them!? They send their little pakistan home trained terrorists back over to the UK to try and kill us!! Let the little fuckers drown that's what I say. Then they'll be far less fucking terrorists to go round then!
Either that or they'll come over to the UK and live off of our benefits system whilst they plot their next attempted terorrist attrocity!!!!!
Charity starts at home!!
Well the hypocritical rag headed cuntwipes would be wouldn't they!
Fucking well said!!
some reet ignorant cunts on this site
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