Sunday, 21 November 2010

The Euro Isn't Working



Captain Haddock said...

Good .. I'm delighted to hear it ..

I hope it drags the whole stinking mess down to crash & burn ..

It would indeed be the height of irony if an inanimate unit of a pointless & "Ruritanian" currency could achieve what no politician has the spine or gonads to achieve .. or even seek to achieve ..

microdave said...

That's going on the back of the Panda!!

Have you G.O.T. anything with "Give us a referendum", or similar, in larger type??

Gildas said...

I'm no economist, but it seem that the various strains will, sooner or later, see it off. Peace between nations and free trade? Seems a good idea. Political and financial control of free peoples? Time for revolution and defenestration or worse! >:o  

GV said...

You have a knack for understatement, Gotty, as always :)

Bring On The Revolution said...

Absolutely spot on Gotty, brilliant as always!!! EUSSR can fuck the fucking fuck off and FUCKING die!!! WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK AND WE WANT IT BACK NOW, BRING ON THE REVOLUTION!!!!!! Van Rompuy is a first class CUNT of the highest order!!!

Captain Haddock said...

Absolutely Gildas ..

No-one in their right mind can simply conjure up a currency out of thin air & arbitrarily impose it on millions of people & expect it to either work or to be accepted without question ..

A currency is an integral part of a Nation's fabric .. it has a history, an evolutionary process .. it exists because people are happy for it to do so ..

To simply lump such disparate populations as those which make up the continent of Europe together, to give them a manufactured currency & to sit back & expect everything in the garden to be rosy ever after .. is the height of stupidity .. and, seemingly only politicians are capable of such thoughts ..

The remainder of us have to get on with  the daily business of living real life ...

Bring On The Revolution said...

Just forgot to say Van Rompuy is a Stalinist dictator of a cunt and all!!

NFN said...

*still mourns the passing of the £1 note* of the few reasons for anyone to live in Scotchland.

The Euro notes look like they came out of a Soviet monopoly game and it seems, increasingly, they have about the same face value too.

The Lakelander said...

The EC was able to bail out the Greeks. With our help, they can bail out the Irish and any time soon the Portugese.

Once the "PIGS" cycle hits the "S" Spanish, the Euro will begin to unravel. It will be the beginning of the end of the bloated monster we have watched over the past few years.

It will not be be the disaster the crypto communists would want us to believe.

It will be the re-birth of the free-trade zone that everyone thought they were voting for in the late 70's. Without the agricultural subsidies and the parliaments in Brussels and Strasbourgh.

Dioclese said...

Shit! I'd better bugger off back to the Pacific. The French still use the Franc there....

Bring On The Revolution said...
And another example of how the lunatics have taken over the asylum of this once-great country that has been turned into an utter fucking shithole . Why can't these Muzzie-luvvie/Diversity-fucking-awareness cunts just fuck the fucking fuck off and fucking die! i don't give a flying fuck about "upsetting the other religions" It's NOT their country, if they don't like Christmas they can FUCK OFF!!!! Utter cunt's the fucking lot of 'em!!!

Barking Spider said...

Great poster, Gotty - stolen, of course.  ;) :-P

Caratacus said...

Oh Jesus BOTR - have you seen this? Loosen tie, hot sweet tea.......

Heads on poles said...

Just seen that we are giving them £7Bn - that's £265 per household in the UK.
Did somebody forget to mention that we are fucked as well?
UK Banks are in to Ireland to the sum of £140Bn.
They, like we were are drunk on spending, don't give a drunk another fucking drink - how stupid are these fuckers?

Let Ireland and all the silly sods that helped stoke up their bubble fall, let the Euro fall and let the EU fall - we'd all be better off and the Socialists can go and fuck themselves.

Heads on poles said...

"<span>The remainder of us have to get on with  the daily business of living real life ..."</span>

Yes and paying for it .....

james higham said...

We now need a unilateral decision by Cameron to GTF out right now.

Woman on a Raft said...

I wonder when the German people are going to get fed up with this?   This time I don't expect them to invade anywhere; I bet they go straight for building a wall to keep expensive liabiliities out.  

Beware of Geeks Bearing GIFs said...

It's all falling apart,as to be expected.

O/T Liked your Children In Need post GOT, so thought I'd amuse myself with one of my own creations!

NFN said...

I was back home in Hessia last month and you wouldn't believe how PISSED OFF the 'Volk' are at the moment about the Euro. Germans have always hated it. I was living there when it was brought in and although 1 euro= 2DMarks we suddenly went from paying 30 DMs a day at the supermarket to 30 Euros. The prices doubled and the wages halved. Germany had not yet recovered from the financial seppuku of Reunification and then the Euro....the economic equivalent of a sexual 'sandwich' (ie fucked front and back at the same time).

Gibt mir meiner D-Mark zurück!

St Paul said...

This is a planned beneficial crisis which can only be solved by the accelerated convergence of the member states and to give more power to the Eurocrats.
Sadly the fool Cameron is pledging the future tax revenues of this country to prop-up the rotten edifice, which is entirely the purpose of the crisis.

Captain Haddock said...

van Rompuy is a no-mark, faceless little nobody .. who sprang from nowhere to become leader of the EUSSR ..

No doubt that fact gives him endless hours of material over which to thrash his acorn & with any luck .. he'll thrap himself to a froth & disappear back to the oblivion from which he crawled ..

What's more sinister & worrying (to me at least) is .. Who chose van Rompuy ? .. Who controls him ? .. To whom does he owe allegiance ?

Captain Haddock said...

Don't hold your breath James ..

I bet TCC struggles with making the decision about which tie to wear each day ..

GrumpyOldTwat said...

"<span>I hope it drags the whole stinking mess down to crash & burn" < can't come soon enough!

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Let me know what sizes etc and I'll see what I can do for you ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Understatement? Ah, yes, I have my moments ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

"<span>Van Rompuy is a first class CUNT of the highest order!!!" < can't fault you there!

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Lovin' that PIGS acronym .... and look forward to it being realised any time soon ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Form an orderly queue! Btw, good to see you're back ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Yet another piss boiler! Fuck me I'm permanently dehydrated these days ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Cheers ... no worries!

GrumpyOldTwat said...

The bog trotters voted for it so they can pick the fucking tab up for it as far as I'm concerned. They'll be getting fuck all from me.

GrumpyOldTwat said...

"Get the fuck out now!" An excellent slogan if ever I heard one!

GrumpyOldTwat said...

"<span>I bet they go straight for building a wall" < don't fucking blame them. We should do that and think of all the unemployed brickies that'll keep in work for a while ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Great pic BGBG! Look forward to seeing the Taliban Bear on sale soon ;)

microdave said...

Just something the same aspect ratio or pixel size, if possible. Then when I print it it should match the one above.  Largish type font so it shows up well from a distance - having said that, there's usually some twat sitting 10ft from my rear bumper! They presumably haven't realised that my tow hitch will do far more expensive damage to a modern cars plastic bumper than a few scratches on my old heap.

I think I need a DILIGAF sticker...

microdave said...

I would love to know what, exactly, our trade is with Ireland?  Apparently they are our biggest market?

microdave said...

Unfortunately I don't think I would get away with that on my car......

microdave said...

But the work would go to the Poles....

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Here we go MD, will this do you? It's the same size-ish and resolution as the poster ;)