Sunday, 21 November 2010

Andy Burnham Fail On Adam Boulton Show

Did anyone else see Andy Burnham on the Adam Boulton Sunday Show, being questioned on the Pope's decision to allow condoms in certain circumstances? I thought it was a classic case of someone not engaging their brain before opening their mouth ...


Bring On The Revolution said...

Have a read of this shocking story from Birminghamistan....

Why the fuck can't we just shoot the filthy stinking Muzzie colonising cunts??

Dioclese said...

Is it just me or do you and Waitrose conspire together and change your layouts every fucking time I go on holiday???

I shall go more often just to give you aggravation!!

I'M BACK and to prove it I'm here....

Climate Denier said...

Some more 'Children in Need' - this time from the Manchester area :

Source :

Integration African French Speaking Community Bolton £29,931

Tameside African Refugee Association Ashton-under-Lyne £10,452

Safa (South Asian Families Association) Manchester £5,850

Community Arts North West Manchester £24,000 The project will improve the self-esteem and confidence of young
refugees and asylum seekers in Greater Manchester, by offering participatory arts based workshops.

Oldham Family Crisis Group Oldham £144,314 This project will provide advocacy and support for young women who
have experiencing emotional trauma including the pressures of forced marriage in the Oldham area.

Pro-Contact Salford £88,110 This project will provide family support and coordination of specialist
services for children of Asian origin whose families are separated.

Give Generously !

Climate Denier said...

Pointless trying to pick anything out for the London area for 'Children in Need' - might just as well say 'Any Colour You Like - Except White and British'....

Source :

I'm sure that if more people actually saw this shit they wouldn't give a single fucking penny to this fake 'charity'.

Captain Haddock said...

Andy Burnham .. a man worth listening to (on this subject at least) ..

With his penchant for eye makeup, I suspect he has more than a passing interest in & knowledge of the risks which AIDS & STI's pose ..

As for the risks in Africa specifically .. Who gives a shit ????

killemallletgodsortemout said...

What a nosher!

Captain Haddock said...

Quite ....