To say I'm fucking orbitally angry would be bastard well under statement of the year material. I mean, last year's rama-fucking-dan message from the pant pissing, pill popping prick of a prime mentalist was fucking bad enough but you kind of expected it from the twat.
Un-kucking-believably Billy bastard Hague has now decided to follow in the footsteps of bum boy Brown and joined in the islamic cock sucking rama-fucking-dan-message-mongathon. His offering this year is virtually word for fucking word of the snotty shitwipe's wankfest. What the fuck .... What. The. Fuck. I mean what the fucking fuck is going on? Allah fucking Akbar my fat hairy arse!
Fuck that bollocks here's my re-edited version. The cunts.
* and breathe *
What a fucking surprise!
Less than 24 hrs after I posted that video, YouTube have banned it.
So much for freedom of speech then in this lefty, quango ridden, minority supporting shit hole of a country that we live in. It's not the first time the freedom fucking fuckers have done it to me .... remember all this bollocks?
Anyhow, as always I am prepared for such fuckwittery and have re-posted it onto DailyMotion. Stick that up your arse Lees or Gatward or whoever the fuck else has been whining to the nearest quango of diversity dick breaths .....

"O Prophet! Make war against the unbelievers [all non-Muslims] and the hypocrites and be merciless against them. Their home is hell, an evil refuge indeed." (Koran, 9:73)
"When you meet the unbelievers in jihad [holy war], chop off their heads. And when you have brought them low, bind your prisoners rigorously. Then set them free or take ransom from them until the war is ended." (Koran, 47:4)
"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and his messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be to be killed or crucified, or to have their hands and feet chopped off on opposite sides, or to be expelled out of the land. Such will be their humiliation in the world, and in the next world they will face an awful horror." (Koran, 5:33-34)
Utter utter utter cunts.
Peaceful religion my arse.
Its a wonder that the slap-headed little worm didn't make his Ramadan "address" whilst standing in the window of the Foreign Office & waving at the crowds ... just like the Hitler Jugend boy in Rome at Easter ...
What a CUNT!
No apologies for using this again - it doesn't need an "S" on the end this time....
What the FUCK, this ass must have taken lessons from obummer.
The chief muzzie gave a fucking address too, he had a ramadama ding dong dinner
at the WH, for fuck's sake. I hope they all drop dead from thirst & hunger this month.
Great video, Gotty. 8-)" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140
Oh Fuck, that's set me off now!
Anyway, it means fuck all because our real foreign secretary is now some unelected bloke from Portugal, the cunt.
I hadn't realised it was Ramadan so unfortunately my piece for Sunday just pillories the Catholics, but I have managed to fit in a suitable piece for later in the week.
Bloudy religion. It's all about who has the biggest imaginary friend at the end of the day.
Dark Locknagar's piece today is also a doodee on this shite and worth a look.
Oh - and I think he looked better in that baseball cap...
As he's foreign secretary why not make him walk down this road a few times.
His baseball cap won't be much use...
Absolutely well said G.O.T!!Hague, yet another Muzzie-loving Lib Lab Con establishment fuckwit treasonous traitor of a cunt, but of course it comes as no surprise at all as all the utterly useless Lib Lab Con multi-fucking-cultural wankers are all bought and paid for by the Muzzie cunts. I say fuck ramafuckingdan and eat as much non-fucking halal pork as possible. "Religion of peace" My fucking arse, just fucking exterminate the fucking lot of the fuck ugly pyjama-wearing, raghead Taliban-bearded muzzie mass-murdering terrorist cunts! And hang all the metropolitan elite westminster bubble politicians for treason!!
Somebody break to news to this cu** he's been made redundant and replaced Joao Vale de Almeid from the EU POLITBURO.
Absolutely CP ...
The little cretin once labelled "Foetus" by the detestable Tony Banks has now been officially "terminated" by the EUSSR ... and replaced by a "Spic" ....
It is Sunday morning.......... and you've succeeded in tipping me into seething fucking anger........... I should be eating breakfast and waiting for my afternoon blow job from Mrs Blofeld.... instead - I'm ranting about our politicians continual rimming of politically correct religion. Cunts. Just fuck off......
An excellent and really well put together video. Thanks ;)
Obama is a muzzie cunt, fucking shoot it!
So that's it then.
The UK Government is officially shit scared of Islam and we bow down to this sky pixie fairy tale and surrender.
Have fucking fun.
Hague is extremely intelligent, is there an AK47 being shoved in to his back or was he threatened with a walk in the woods?
Either way, the UK is now sold.
I hope their dicks drop off! >:o
So are You Tube bought and paid for by the muzzie cunts as well then? How dare they try and crush OUR freedom of speech. Thank goodness for G.O.T, we MUST all stick together and stop and reverse the Islamist colonisation of OUR country, it is NO exaggeration to say that Islam and fucking muzzies are a very real and the single biggest (along with the evil empire of EUSSR) threat to OUR history culture and way of life and they MUST be stopped and stopped RIGHT NOW! So all you muzzie cunts, fuck off and die, and rid OUR country of this evil cancer that is Islam. They are nothing but mass-murdering terrorist, thieving, sex-grooming of indigenous young white girls peadophile (Another scandal that the muzzie bought and paid for utterly useless lefty Lib Lab Con establishment try their best to cover up) inbreed Paki cunts!
Yep, we're all fucked and unless a few thousand more start to wake up and smell the fucking coffee, and realise what we do, then I'm beginning to think we're wasting our fucking breath.
Fuck "You Tube" anyway Gotty ..
I always thought they were a cunch of bunts ...
Now they've simply confirmed the fact ..
If only a few thousand more in the UK thought like you and a few others, BOTR, then we may stand a chance of getting somewhere. Sadly ... it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon.
Yeah .... fuck 'em. Unless you want to post films of dogs playing a piano whilst smoking a pipe, cats knitting boxer shorts out of spaghetti hoops, little kids breaking their necks on a skateboard whilst smoking crack or you wan to show everyone how much you like sucking EUSSR cock and eating Islamic pussy ...... then .......
It is difficult in this day and age that we are censored from criticising a religion. A religion in whose name so many deaths have occurred and if they had free reign, the likes of YT would be screaming for their annhiliation. Morons in the West think it is just some kind of voice in the crowd but it wants to become the only voice. We see this in the UK with the polygamy and the honour killings and nothing is done. It allows the terrorists to move and act freely within our country so fuck Islam.
Reading the text in your second picture it seems that Islam is a "Protected" religion.
What's the betting that you could post a video slagging off Christians, and it would still be up weeks later?
Well said Craig, muzzies are the colonising mass-murdering nazis of the 21st Century so we MUST be free to say whatever we think of the cunts, just as we were free to say whatever we thought of the Germans during WW2 So fuck the "liberal"left politically correct establishment as well!
Your not wasting your breath - far from it. If this video is passed to one other person by everyone who sees this, then you'll have done a fucking superb job.
I'll send a copy to my MP, for starters.
What is is with these CUNTS, eh?
William Hague. Top candidate for .....Is A Cunt, methinks.
Second that killem. Didn't hear a word from the slap-head about VJ day either. (Too fucking busy. He's got his head so far up Islam's arse he can see Jack Straw's boots). Cunt.
Sickening YouTube are banning your brilliant video.They allow junk from Choudary & his ilk.
They can't even be consistent - I've just been over to Pat Condells channel, and he's still telling the "Religion Of Peace" to go fuck itself, in his own inimitable style:
No offence to Gotty, but are they afraid to go after a very popular user with millions of views, and take the easy targets instead?
I've downloaded your other version, just in case.
"COMMUNITY GUIDLINES" that's a new one, I can guess what that really means.
I have thought about this carefully, and tried to reach a balanced view. i have.
Hague is a fucking traitor. As are so many others. he would have given Hitler one up the bum if he thought there had been a vote in it.
Well said microdave! If we don't stand up for OUR country we will become the Islamic republic of Britanniastan subject to Sharia fucking law, the ONLY way to stop this is to have all the muzzie cunts exterminated and their hideous terrorist meeting rooms also known as mosques razed to the ground and all Halal butchers and Islamic bookshops burned and the collaborators of the Lib Lab Con establishment arrested and put on trial for treason.
Christ, even Gordon didn't ban my mockery of a similar take last Year....
Have Blue Labour "gone native" one wonders, in league with Comrade Lee's and the delights of You Tube?
Great stuff, stolen and re-posted.
Cheers Killem, let's just hope a few others follow suit ;)
My point exactly MD.
Hardly a day goes by when I don't have that phrase from Animal Farm whizzing around my head .... "some are more equal than others".
People like us are most definitely the "others".
No offence taken. The most views I've ever had on one YouTube video is 65k, small fry compared to the likes of Pat (top bloke btw) and when I complain I just don't have a loud enough voice to be heard by enough people
This also confirms how spineless the government are.
"We'll do what the fuck we like" (or told for that matter).
The freedom fucking cunts!
<p>From the start, I never really thought that this coalition would be much different to Gordon and his cock sucking vote monging ways. However, I did secretly harbour thoughts that maybe, just maybe .....
</p><p>Even I have become astounded at how alike they are, possibly even worse in some ways considering the fact it would have been very easy for the Coalition to rise above such fuckwittery.
I would suggest that a seamless transition of Common Purpose continuance has undoubtedly taken place.
There is now only one real party in UK politics ..... The CPC ......
Common Purpose Coalition
Cheers Banned and thanks for the support mate ;)
If they give many more jobs to Liebor ministers they WILL be the same. Frank Field I can make an exception for - I've always thought he was far to honest to be in Liebor anyway, but Hutton and now Milburn???
Firstly, may I say that I consider ALL Religion to be a complete load of bollocks and the world's longest running confidence trick ?
What most annoys me about this whole saga is that a Minister of the Crown felt it necessary to single out one particular Faith ..
Will Hague (or any other Minister) make a similar address for the Christians at Easter ? .. or the Jews at Passover ?
If not .. then he must, under the terms of the government's own legislation be guilty of discrimination by favouring one faith over all the others with special treatment ..
Personally, I couldn't give a monkey's fuck if he climbs a very tall tower & sings till he goes blue in the face ..
But if he's going to poke his political nose into religion .. then he must do the same for all faiths ..
I fully accept that not all Muslims are terrorists .. but an awful lot of terrorists appear to be Muslims ..
I also accept that not all Muslims are Jihadists .. but all Jihadists are Muslims ..
Or, is he secretly hoping that when the religious war comes, the Jihadists will say .. "Awww, that nice Mr Hague, he said nice things about us .. lets spare him" ?
Because if that's the case .. I've got news for you Billy-boy ... they'll lop your head off quicker than you can complete an Expenses Claim Form ..
Absolutely right G.O.T, the lib Lab Con are all the treasonous treacherous fucking same!!
Ain't that the fucking truth! >:o >:o >:o >:o
An excellent post Cap'n H and I agree with every word of it ;)
What the fuck were you thinking?
Grey text on a black background
I used to love your Blog but now I cant be arsed as it would mean me compleatly blacking out the room to read it
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