Thursday 26 August 2010

Islam : The Religion Of Peace?

I think not.

Apologies for the video quality but I'm sure you'll get the general picture ......

The back story is HERE.

Is there anyone else out there who still wants to give money to the
Pakistan Flood Appeal?

Have a nice day.

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Jock Coats said...

Horrible, but then what you do seem to want us to conveniently ignore is that it would appear much of Pakistan is outraged as well:

"<span>The scenes have outraged Pakistanis, some who are questioning how their society could passively watch the shocking killings without intervening.</span>
<p>The News, an English-language daily newspaper, wrote: 'Is this what we are? Savages? So utterly bereft of a speck of humanity that a crowd of ordinary men are passive spectators to public murder?'

<span>Read more:"</span>

Would you condemn the entire US as uncivilised in the 60s because of a couple of lynchings in Mississippi or wherever?

Ampers said...

I haven't given any money, although I might have if the Government had spent the millions put aside for their "Space Project" on their dying people.

I often suspected when MBeki denied there was a disease called AIDs, that he wanted millions to die so the Government could save money by eventually having a smaller population. Perhaps this is why Pakistan is holding on to their "Space Project" funds?

Ampers said...

I also agree with Jock above which I hadn't seen at the time of writing my message. Nothing I have said detracts from that agreement.

Captain Haddock said...

Bunch of heroes when they're in a gang .. wonder how brave they'd be one-on-one ?

Bring On The Revolution said...

And this is exactly the kind if evil that is being imported into OUR country by the "liberal" left establishment at the alter of multicultural diversity awareness bullshit, and remember NONE of this mass muzzie immigration in to Britain was ever voted for by the indigenous people of Britain. Enoch Powell was absolutely spot on in the Rivers of Blood speech, there is NO place whatsoever for Islam, "the religion of peace" on any square inch of British soil or anywhere the world for that matter. And I'm sick to death of the BBC (aka Brown's Brainwashing Channel) banging on about British Muslim this British Muslim that, there is no such fucking thing as a "British fucking Muslim" There is nothing "British"about this fucking cancerous evil of a religion by the name of Is-fucking-lam, a "religion" that is responsible mass murder the world over and is a relic of the stone age, so Allah and fucking Mohammed can both go fuck themselves and die along with the rest of the brain-dead retarded fuckwit in-breeds that follow the aforementioned pair of wankers!!
And no I sure as hell won't be giving any of my hard-earned cash to those muzzie Paki cunts!! It's only God's punishment to them for being a load of complete and utter muzzie terrorist cunts!!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck Allah.

bofl said...

you gotta love muslims........first there was an armed robbery....
is that ok in the koran?
then these savages beat these kids to that in the koran?

all fucking hypocrites.

bofl said...

ps see the story about the poor indian woman who has been subjected to having nails hammered into her in saudi.......

more muslim cnuts.......

if you try hard enough there is a film on the web of a man having his limbs cut off by a mob........really warned.if you google it as it is very sickening.

Bring On The Revolution said...

Fuck Islam, cunts the fucking lot of 'em!!!

Caratacus said...

Captain's hit it. Again. Whenever you get a bunch of cunts together in a crowd, the level of depravity knows no bounds. Muzzies, Christians, archbishops or neo-nazis - doesn't matter a tuppeny fuck. Weak men become very brave in a crowd and it takes a Man to stand against them.

Here's a test to find out if the species of man has evolved to the point where he will not engage in barbarity - is he still breathing, he hasn't.

Bring On The Revolution said...
And another reason why muzzies are complete and utter barbaric medieval throwback  cunts!!!

sixtypoundsaweekcleaner said...

I would like to know why the muslim nations aren't giving to Pakistan.  Saudi is as rich as creosote, so why aren't they giving?  Is there a particular reason?  Is it that they don't want to be seen to be giving to the UN or any 'white western' charity?  I'm struggling to understand.  Enlighten me someone, please.

LOL said..." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140

Captain Haddock said...

Saudi Arabia ..

Now there's a nation just crying out for some "regime change" ...

And the sooner the better ...

BRICKBAT said...

Google earth pakistan?
It looks like a bowl of coco pops! ;)

sadbutmadlad said...

It's not just muslims who are cruel and utter bastards. Jews do it. Christians do it. In any society there are always small numbers who are evil beyond words. What makes it worse in Pakistan is not so much the religion but the society where the people do not understand authority and control by the state and only recognise local control. Because local control is by tribal leaders, if the tribal leader is a cunt, then the people will follow. Because local control is by tribal leaders, they control the violence, and the people will not stand up and try and stop such things.

Anonymous said...

makes happy slapping look like a nursey school joke, sick muslim fuckers