Those signing the Vote for Students pledge, [opposing the hike in fees] which include Nick Clegg, Sir Menzies Campbell and Vince Cable as well as a group of current and former Labour ministers, have given the first clear indication of their position on tuition fees ahead of the Browne review due in the autumn.
Cable abandons Lib Dem pledge on tuition fees by accepting the main proposal of Lord Browne .... that the limit on fees should be lifted.
Just as wish-washy, spineless and hypocritical as ever then. It's the power, you see. Pledges, promises and principles mean fuck all, to any of them, once they've secured your vote and begin to breathe the politically polluted air within the Westminster Bubble.
They're all the fucking same. Whatever the 'party'.

Can we scrap the political party system now, please?
We've waited long enough to see if this experiment will work.
Can't we give the BNP a go - just for the hell of it?
With you there killem.
Don't like BNP but as soon as they looked like being elected the colonels would activate "Operation John Wayne" and martial law would be smoothly instigated. "John Wayne" because the first move would be to round the buggers up. The lawyers, bankers, politicos, local gubmint Guardianistas, (fill in your own prejudice here de la Billiere; have you drawn sufficient cartridgey thingys for your sidearm, General? Oh, that's what these two gentlemen's briefcases are for - I see). Oh and Broon the Cunt - whose head will be put on a spear in my front garden.
I'm going to dream well tonight.....
The promses are shattering thick and fast now. Can I include this in my Politician Lie Tracker Project?
Good stuff - boot well and truly put in. :-D
Never ever trust any cunt of the political establishment, they are ALL the fucking treasonous treacherous same. Traitors the whole fucking lot of 'em. Hang them high!!!
Well, while I agree with you 100%, I must say i will be waiting with red wine at the ready for the Labour cunts to come out and moan...that would be the Labour fuckers that introduced a tuition fee in the first place; without them there would be no tuition fees! They are worse than any by far.
aqs to the BNP...fuck the socialist bunch of cunts.
The Advertising Standards Authority ought to be allowed to sue the effing liars, on behalf of us taxpayers.
What do you expect from the last of the summer wine party?
Fuck them all.
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