So with Franny Armstrong's 10:10:10 day of eco terrorism fast approaching, public support for her lunacy is declining fast with a continued public backlash following the launch of her fascist 10:10 No Pressure video. Membership numbers are dwindling and her major sponsors have been quick to disassociate themselves from such a PR disaster. All except one, that is.
Sony have pulled out, Kyocera have pulled out but O2 proudly continue to support the Richard Curtis view of climate change denier extermination. Here's their latest advert .......
I've now cancelled my O2 mobile phone contract, stating that "I did not wish my business to be associated with a business that publicly supports the 10:10 No Pressure video and the fascist eco terrorists that made it."
What are you going to do?
No Pressure! website
NoToO2 Facebook page
NoToO2 Poster and blog badges
Twitter #no2o2
+++ UPDATE +++
Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention that Royal Mail are re-launching their 10:10 postmarks. Send in a picture of yours and you could win a prize!
No. Seriously .......
![]() |
click on image to blow up *ahem* I mean enlarge ;-) |
Original here.

From here.............
Well done Gotty .. hit 'em where it hurts .. its the only way they'll learn
I'm on Pay as you go with Vodafone .. I used to be with O2 but their coverage was crap ..
That said, if Vodafone had supported this charade, I'd have binned them by now too ..
Good old Nigel, doesn't miss a trick!
Signed up, although I detest Facebook.
Top bloke, Gotty!
Well done.
Cancelled my O2 contract too. Thanks for the Idea Gotty
Thank fuck I'm with T Mobile.
<p><span><span><span>Here we are Gotty – just to prove that I can be civilized sometimes and not go fuckin and cuntin all over the place...</span></span></span>
</p></span><span> </span>
<p><span>Dear Sir Madam,</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>Thank you for making it clear that you intend to continue with your support for the 1010 campaign, even though their recent video “No Pressure” seems to extol the virtues of exterminating anyone who disagrees with a given viewpoint. This was a low point indeed for the Green movement in general – and now for o2 in particular.</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>I thanked you above; this is because I have been deliberating which company to use when my company’s mobile contract comes up for renewal at the end of November. If o2 is comfortable with being associated with this kind of disgraceful material then I regret that it will not be considered for future business associations with my company or with any others over which I have any degree of input.</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>Yours faithfully,</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
And here's the reply for what it's worth....
<p><span>From:</span><span> Taylor Sarah
<span>Sent:</span> 08 Oct 2010
<span>To:</span> C
<span>Subject:</span> RE: 1010 campaign</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>Dear Mr C</span>
</p><p><span>Thank you for your email to the O2 press office. </span>
</p><p><span><span>Along with 100,000 members of the public, leading businesses, schools and universities, local authorities and NHS Trusts, O2 supports the aims of the 10:10 campaign. We acknowledge our responsibility to the environment and are committed to reducing our carbon emissions both as an organisation and in society as a whole. 10:10 is an independent organisation and we don't ask for editorial control over the content of its campaigns. 10:10's latest statement on this issue can be viewed on its website at </span><span><span></span></span></span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span>
</p><p><span><span>Kind regards</span></span>
</p><p><span><span>Sarah <span>Taylor</span></span></span></p>
In the U.S. so I can't cancel my O2 contract. But good on you for taking action. Later today I will be taking action of another sort. My kids made up all the targets yesterday!
Great 'toon ... right on the button ;)
"<span>I used to be with O2 but their coverage was crap..." < and so are their moral values!</span>
Thanks for that ... just shows how angry people are getting if they'll do something they detest, just to make a point.
Well done for ditching O2! Seems like that is becoming a standard reply script for anyone that's been putting in a complaint. It's clear that they don't give a fuck.
Another O2 cancellation ... well done for making a stand!
A well put and polite complaint, great template for anyone else wishing to get their point across to O2 ... and another cancellation I believe ;)
That Sarah Taylor reply is sure starting to wear a bit thin now ;)
Brilliant! Can't wait to see the film of you blowing up my artwork ;)
Fuck off and die O2 fucking Global climate Change Stasi Stalinist Commie cunts!!!
That's just like the first reply I always get when reporting a fault to TalkTalk/Tiscrapi. They simply don't read the complaint, but send out a standard reply assuming you're a complete dumkopf. I find a very detailed deconstruction of their wasted effort, followed by a threat to change suppliers usually gets a more helpful response!
Surprisingly (or not?) the same thing has happened with their new South African call centre, as well as the previous incumbents in the Indian subcontinent....
Dear O2
If you do not desist from cluttering up the planet with all those annoying (and dangerous to wildlife) bubbles, then I will have no alternative but to press THE button please stop your horrible polluting antics forthwith...No Pressure (well only as much as it takes to press the button anyway)
Ps, today I spent 4 hours in an O2 shop signing up for a top of the range model new phone, I was accompanied by my wife and son (who entered separately) and we all had one of your salespeople salivating over us and the neccessary paperwork trials of phones etc. until just before closing when we all declared that we wold not be finalising the contract as we felt there was too much pressureinvolved in pressing the buttons...thank you have a nice day!!!
Sorry to let the side down but my arrangement with 02 is just too comfey to chuck away. I need pay only £10.00 per month, calls to 02 and BT lines are free, I only get charged for the few texts that I make and (believe it or not because somehow I beneit from two deals) I get a fucking 20% refund for the tenner I put on so sometimes I end up with more 'credit' at the end of the month than I started with. RESULT!
See - Burke had it right, "All that is necessary for Shitbags to triumph is for Good Men to do nothing".
Actuallay what he really said was "When bad men combine, the good must associate - else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice ina contemptible struggle". Not a mention of shitbags anywhere (I made that bit up).
Alright, crap speeling. I'm pissed - what's your excuse?
Very pissed as it happens... and happy as fuck about it
Mee two ;)
Nice work Indy! Love the fact that you managed to tie up 3 of them, hopefully they'll report the reasons back to their masters ;)
And you managed to help fund the No Pressure vid too. Everyone's a winner then ....
Fuck me! Don't start on those lefty Labour marxist mongtards .... I don't think my BP can take the strain tonight ;)
Now THAT'S what I call a straight to the point 'O2 contract cancellation template' ;)
just think of the cost if all of us dissenters did the same on say a saturday you think that might persuade em to think again.
The process of buying a phone takes a good couple of hours and easily stretches to 4 if you ask questions about every aspect of all the available call plans etc, and they are so eager to sell they won't see it coming...
I reckon that 02 make a loss on my account.
Fine, we boycott O2 - sorted.
Author, Author ... great job GOT ! :-P :-P :-P
Perhaps I could have a go at complaining to Tesco?
Their Tesco Mobile network is actually O2 but just badged Tesco, so although the PR effect is weak, Tesco is effectively using a supplier who endorses blowing up its customers.
I know Tesco have a bit of a reputation for customer disservice at times but even they want to keep you alive and paying.
Another page where you can send message of love to the hate organisation -
I suggested rendering down fat people for oil
I saw on the back of a Royal Mail van:
"proud to support barnadoes"
Great. So the monopoly carrier is throwing my money away on a group that campaigns for the age of criminal responsibility to be increased. Fuck that - a ten year old rapist knows exactly what he's doing.
Fuck the Royal Mail.
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