Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Slash Wednesday

Here's my proposal for a few government cuts. Especially those New Labour fuckwits that have been fiscal fucking us all for the last 13 years. And, I dare say, a few more of those 650 dishonourable Mps.

Just saying.



Captain Peacock said...

Could not agree more they were so keen to hand the country over to the EU I fail to see why we need 650 of these traitors cut their number to 100 no MPs from Scotland & Wales or Northern Ireland that's a few billion saved just there.

Indyanhat said...

OOOOhhhhh now  youre gettin me juices goin GOT, nice bright new site mate!

Gildas said...

If you want to get polemical, I have often though of all those Community Lesbian Outreach officers, millionaire Chief Council Officers and Quangos as as sort of metaphorical sweet little seal pup. 
Right, let's get to it...... ;)

Gildas said...

Or how about cleaning up a few wasters and general parasites with one of these....

Christopher said...

We Yanks are about to do some slashing of our own in 13 days time, may have to "borrow" that pic!

Bill Sticker said...

Cheesewire? How very in keeping with the necessary economies.

microdave said...

OMG!!! - Think of the carbon emissions....

Bring On The Revolution said...

The best cut of all would be cutting the heads off of all the traitor politicians that got us in this utter mess in the first place!!!

Gildas said...

An added bonus! Climate change denier? fuck yeah! :-D

GrumpyOldTwat said...

"<span>No MPs from Scotland & Wales or Northern Ireland" - sounds good to me ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Cheers Indy - change is as good as a rest and all that ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Yep! All of those leeching fuckers can 'feel the steel'. Add them to the list!

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Deniers? Hey! We're the good guys!

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Carry on! In fact I used to use that in my blog banner ... Mmmm, lovely shiny pianowire ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Kind of what I was saying there BotR ;) Bring out the pianowire!!

Captain Haddock said...

Sod the fucking carbon emissions ..

Think of the roasting parasites in Westminster ... luvverly jubbly

Gildas said...

That's kinda what I meant! Am I a denier! Fuck yeah!  

Captain Haddock said...

Yeah .. but only after we've "warmed" 'em up a bit with a flamethrower (or three) .. :)   :)   :)

Bring On The Revolution said...

Just changing the subject slightly, I see the colonising Muzzie cunts in the now Is-fucking-lamic Republic of Britanniastan are now bankrolling the Taliban from the terrorist meeting rooms AKA those hideous fucking mosques  so they can buy more weapons to attack our troops serving out there in Afghanistan.

Absolutely fucking sickening, why the fuck can't we just bring the troops home, then drop a massive nuclear bomb on on all the Muzzie countries and wipe out the fucking lot of 'em and exterminate every last Muzzie raghead bearded cunt that breathes and parasites in Britain....
 Job done, simples!!!

Bert Rodinsky said...

The Deniersaursu might get angry if you point one of those at him. You wouldn't like the Deniersaurus when he is angry :-D

GrumpyOldTwat said...

LoL! Just checking ;)
Tomorrow's post should be of interest to all you climtate change deniers out there. Gotty has had another one of his 'ideas' :-D :-D

GrumpyOldTwat said...

When will the government ever fucking learn!

MTG said...

Prior to any heat treatment and musical suspense, there is the matter of locating and unlocking those safety deposit boxes. Have I mentioned my amateur interest in dentistry to you before, GOT?

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Be a shame to let all that cash go to waste, especially as it was probably ours to begin with. Marathon Man alert!

Captain Haddock said...

There's only one sort of Denier which can hold my attention for more than 30 seconds ... ;)

Gildas said...

Wise words my son. A hobby of mine in days gone by! 

Bring On The Revolution said...

<span>"When will the government ever fucking learn!" Absolutely right Gotty! It just makes me fucking sick to the stomach That while "our" traitor politicians (Lib, Lab or Con, they are all the fucking same) cut spending on defence and looking after our brave troops, while at the same time those fucking muzzie cunts raise money ON BRITISH SOIL to send over to the Their Taliban partners in crime in order for them to purchase weapons and explosive to kill and maim OUR soldiers, This just about says everything you need to know about what a fucking shit hole of a country Britain really has become and what utter fucking treasonous traitors the politicians of ALL COLOURS really fucking are!</span>

Gildas said...

No! my nightmare! :'(

microdave said...

I was only joking. I had been wading through a load of climate change bollox websites, and my blood pressure was climbing steadily...

Atlas said...

Hmmm, careful BOTR, if you keep on like this, the socialist swine may realise you've broken the mental conditioning they've subjected the nation to for the last 13 years.  You'll be straight off for 're education' at one of their vegan, carbon neutral, feminist, Guardian reading concentration camps before you know it...

AnthonyS said...

Why not go straight to the top and 'cut' this piece of shit...President Barroso,

No fan of UKIP, but Farage does make a very valid point: who the fuck are these EU scum... nobody in Europe elected them did they?

The Lib-Lab-Con trick are all playing the same EU trick... most of our laws our now 'approved' by these Federalist/EU scum.

Caratacus said...

Atlas - I rather suspect that BOTR couldn't give a flying fuck.

In fact, I'm (almost) starting to feel sorry for the conc. camp guards already...

Captain Haddock said...

Whaddya mean "days gone by" Gildas ?

Certain ladies of my aquaintance still wear 'em .. and its a true delight to get beyond the "giggle" band ... ;)   :)