Tuesday 19 October 2010

Ministry of No Defence ++Updated++

Not much else to say really, apart from the fact that we seem to have taken a giant step towards Cameron's dream of an all-in-one EU Defence Force Farce. In the meantime, this once proud nation appears to be at the mercy of any hostile crackpot who possesses a potato gun or a blunt pencil.

That is all.


Via Ampers we learn that:
Israel spends £9 billion annually on procurement and has a staff of 400 people to do it. Britain spends £10 billion annually on procurement and has a staff of 23,700 people to do it.
Right then, in that case, let's fuck off 23,000+ back room civilian staff* and set about equipping our armed forces properly ..... without removing any of our front line personnel.

*Obviously keep the one that I know personally because he's a good chap ;-)


Oldrightie said...

<span>"This once proud nation appears to be at the mercy of any hostile crackpot who possesses a potato gun or a blunt pencil." </span>
<span>Yup, all 650 of 'em. All chafing at the bit to become EUSSR gangsters and feed from an even bigger teat.</span>

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Yep .... today's cuts have nothing to do with saving money. It's just a front. A convenient situation that enables the EU cock suckers to move ever closer to the total abolition of UK Sovereignty.

moorlandhunter said...

<span>I can just imagine the Argentineans sharpening their swords, dusting off their spare Exocets and making more flags ready to invade the Falklands.</span>
<span>This time I think they will take the islands and impose their will on the people of the Falklands who still wish and want to be British not Argentinean.</span>
<span>Sad sad day for us all and another step towards an EU defence force that will stand aside and do nothing.</span>
<span>I feel ashamed that I voted for the Conservatives over this particular issue, when 2000 illegal asylum seekers at a cost of over £39,000,000 are allowed to stay here permanently sucking the life blood of us. That is 2000 a week EVERY week, 52 weeks a year, every year.<span>  </span>Why not bring this to a halt and decrease the spending on them, but no, illegal’s and bogus asylum seekers are sacrosanct to the powers that be in charge of us.</span>

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Too fucking true! And should be slashing the overseas aid budget. Has Cameron never heard of the phrase "charity begins at home". . It's no different from me leaving my family unprotected and starving so that I can still give plenty of money to all those charity tin rattlers. FFS!

Bring On The Revolution said...

So the utter traitor cunts that are "our" Politicians who's "First duty is to protect it's citizens" are defending this country on a shoestring, yet amazingly they can still find billions of pounds to fund this utterly ridiculous "Overseas aid fucking budget" which for the life of me CANNOT understand why it is so fucking sacrosanct. Never forget that this is OUR money that ends up in the hands of Muzzie Paki cunts that want us, the infidel blown to smithereens with their fucking Jihad, or some other despotic and corrupt  Third World tyrant, just why the fuck is OUR money going to corrupt to the fucking core countries such as India and China dressed up as "Overseas Aid"? Pakistan, India and China all have nuclear weapons programmes and space programmes, SO WHY THE FUCK DO THEY NEED OUR FUCKING MONEY???
Take also the billions of OUR money again that is squandered on Third World and Muzzie Paki parasitic immigrant scroungers that have flooded into this soft touch shit hole of a fucking country, only again to fucking preach "death to the infidel" and "Is-fucking-lam will dominate the world" Then of course our own home grown fucking work shy layabout scroungers with their "Ickle baybees" All of which ought to be fucking SHOT!!!
Then even more of OUR billions utterly wasted on British membership of the utterly evil Neo-Stalinist empire that is EUSSR which does nothing but take away our independence as a Nation and imposes petty and pathetic regulations that interfere in every aspect of our lives, so EUSSR can fuck off and die and all!
Then all our "Public services" are infested with legions of Gay, lesbian and trans-fucking-gender, Gypsy and fucking traveller multi-fucking-cultural, Diverstiy-fucking-awareness and interfering "elf and fucking safety leftie socialist fuckwit Gaurdianista co-ordinators that utterly waste even more Billions of OUR money.
So B-Liar,Brown and Clegger-fucking-roon and all the other utterly useless Lib/Lab/Con Politicians are nothing but treasonous, treacherous traitors that ought to be fucking hanged en-masse!!!

Katabasis said...

On the plus side, Article 42, Section 7 of the Lisbon amended Maastricht Treaty commits all member states to assist the UK in the event of armed aggression. In theory of course.

Joe Public said...

Henceforth, this country can only be known as Britain.

Caratacus said...

All this fucking about trying to save a bob here and a bob there, when billions are wasted belonging to the corrupt EUSSR. That's the real piss-boiler for me in all this.

And now the stupid addle-headed bastards are playing fast and loose with the defence of the realm, the first and most important responsibility of any government.

I want to charge the oleaginous cunts with treason. Who do I get in touch with?

Caratacus said...

What if it's one of them that's having a pop? Just wondering! ("Death to the French... and Confusion to our Enemies")

Bring On The Revolution said...

Absolutely right Caratacus!!!

Caratacus said...

BOTR - I'm obliged to m'learned friend! I want to see their heads on pikes by Traitor's Gate. Fuck me that would steady the rest of them a bit further up-river.

microdave said...

Unfortunately that's not much use when we need to beg for some French jets to operate from our new aircraft carriers, because all of ours have been scrapped.......

Captain Haddock said...

There should be no "Overseas Aid Budget" in the first place ..

99.99% recurring of these countries couldn't wait to see the back of us & to trumpet their "Independence" from the shanty-town rooftops ..

Well ... "Independence" means just that .. you sink or swim by your own efforts .. and when it gets tough, you can't go whinging back to the "Mother country", cap in hand, crying a sob story .. (or at least you shouldn't be able to) ..

So .. my answer to "Overseas "Aid" is ... Fuck 'em all ...

Captain Haddock said...

When you discover whom to contact .. please let me know ..

And I'll give'em a right "Royal" broadside too ...

Gildas said...

The MOD budget and procurement has been a bad "joke" for years. Can we not impeach people who make such crass fucked up decisions? 

Caratacus said...

Did you ever come across Thomas Fuller during your peregrinations in the 17C Gildas?

"Be ye ever so high, still the law is above you". He was a man of great good humour I understand, but I suspect even he would have wanted these fuckwits dangling from scaffolds.

I'm not usually this bloodthirsty but the piss is super-heated on this subject. This stupid puerile administration (can't bring myself to say 'government') is throwing bucketloads of shit in the faces of our long-suffering troops - and us - while content to bleed generations to come through taxation and planned hyper-inflation. And they continue to feather their own fucking nests through beautiful little tax-avoidance/evasion schemes only available to the elite wankers.

I'm going to stop now before I really fucking get going...

Apologies Brother Gildas.

microdave said...

If you weren't already angry enough the latest from the Tax Payers Alliance should really finish you off:

http://www.youtube.com/v/jGAdzE13qMI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140

Houdini said...

You shouldn't believe all the BBC shite Gotty, and I don't.

It was Blair that announced, with Browns backing, that Harriers wouldn't be upgraded but will be taken out of service and the navy rely on air support from the Yanks. Harriers were toast a few years ago and what is the point of the Ark Royal if there were no Harriers anyway? The new planes will be in service in time for the launch of the new carriers, and it is all down to the previous Labour Government, though you wopuld think this was new announcements and decisions, but it isn't.

Anti Tory spin has begun in ernest, and it took just weeks, not 18 years like last time.

Woman on a Raft said...

You'll never make it as an estate agent.  The correct property descriptor is "West-Paris borders".

Gildas said...

No need to apologise to me Caratacus!  :-D

anonymous said...

Yes - our defence has been reduced, and a lot of the blame belongs to New Labour - not just for fighting optional wars (Chicago Doctrine) but for cutting the defence budget (and specifically the helicopter renewal budget) once we were involved in Iraq/Afghanistan.

However, it appears that the MoD had been chronically ineffective for a long time - certainly back to John Major's administration. Basically we the people have been paying for lousy weapons that never worked properly, even after massive cost overruns & delays - for a long time. The Soviets/Russians were disparaged for mass producing fairly basic weapons, but presumably theirs actually work (a potential Siberian posting has that effect...) and it appears that their 80s vintage fighters at least are more than a match for our latest one.

Since BAE seems incapable of producing armaments on budget/spec/time, maybe we should just buy other peoples? That would have saved billions just for the armoured vehicles we bought for Iraq.

The real question is whether we buy US,French, Russian or Chinese...

Indyanhat said...

Caratacus, there is no REALM left now we have been sold out to the EU, and thinking there may be/is only plays into the hands of the traitors that need hanging. Cry TREASON from the rooftops and refuse the traitors any aid especially in the form of taxes, join lawful rebbelion and be the change!

Granville said...

Well I must admit I never thought I'd see the day when my money would be used to build two aircraft carriers so that the Yanks and the French could use them as mobile parking lots. 

microdave said...

This Bird & Fortune skit could be alarmingly close to the truth as regards the thinking going on in the MOD:

http://www.youtube.com/v/t0jgZKV4N_A" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="170" height="140

Heads on poles said...

Spot on Houdini.
There was  going to be a gap with the Harriers being scrapped and the STOVL F35 becoming operational anyway and now it is the Tories fault - I shouted a lot about this on Twatter before the election.
Brown had already signed a contract for American 'Joint rivet' aircraft as he knew damn well that Nimrod MRA4's were going to be cancelled but didn't have the balls to cancel it himself 'cos he's a cunt.

Changing to the conventional F35 is a good decision, it makes sense in every way and upgrading the carriers is essential and again common sense.
Almost every negative comment in the MSM has been well crafted and carefully placed.

Don't believe all the spin chaps, there was a £36Bn funding gap and somebody had to plug it.
Stop all overseas aid and tell the EU to fuck off - that should cover it but that needs balls of steel and they are in short supply at the moment.

Heads on poles said...

The UK has been nothing more than an American aircraft carrier for the last 70 years - nothing new under the sun.

MTG said...

Unaware the majority-to-be intend to call it Britistan?

moorlandhunter said...

<p><span>Why is it that Labour in the shape of Blair and Brown and the other slugs who bankrupted our country are not held to account for their failures? Why should they be allowed to walk free from the mess they have made, later to be honoured as 'good honest politicians' who held firm to their views when in fact they should be in the dock for the utter waste land they have let the UK to become.</span>
</p><p><span>If I wasted so much money, cocked up the finances of a firm or even my household then I would expect to be in the dock, not to walk free to make millions of £'s from simply stepping aside and leaving the mess they have made behind them, or at least a divorce from Mrs Moorland for messing up her shopping money so badly. </span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span>AND STILL each week 2000 illegal and failed asylum seekers are being allowed to stay, each 2000 costing UK tax payers £39,000,000 a year to keep them. In another week another 2000 at a annual cost of £39,000,000 will be added and then week on and on until they cost us £ billions.</span>
</p><p><span>I can feel a blood vessel beginning to burst in my neck!!</span>
</p><p><span> </span>
</p><p><span><span> </span></span>

Caratacus said...

Don't disagree with you H, esp. ref Blair/Brown. My point is that the Cuntservatives - of all parties - should now be rectifying matters and not making them worse. Almost every decision they are taking is politically geared rather than for the good of the nation. As HoP says (so eloquently!) Overseas Aid (aka bribery for corrupt genocidal fuckwits in other countries) should be stopped and the EUSSR told to Fuck Off. Mightily. However, when the cabinet seems to consist of useless dicks who probably sit down to take a piss, that likelihood is slim.

I used to think that BOTR was a bit ... ahead of the field. But I am rapidly closing up on him...

Think Defence said...

My quick take


A more serious analysis to follow

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Fair doos 'H' but I'm surprised you think I've been taken in by the BBC, FFS! My point is that if Cameron really, really, really wanted to ensure the integrity of our armed forces, and wasn't happy about EU involvement in protection of the UK, he would have found another way. It's so clear that he he is happy to continue the piss poor policies of that pant pissing cuntard Gordon Brown. I hope that clears up any misunderstanding ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

£300,000 for every family in Britain? Now that's damn fucking scary!

GrumpyOldTwat said...


microdave said...

<span><span>Further to Ampers information - there ARE some parts of the MOD who know what they're doing. The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight manage to keep a dozen 70 year old aircraft airworthy for a mere £3m a year (or 0.1% of the defence budget). And they can't just pick up the phone and order brand new parts, either. They have to scour the world for increasingly rare components, and work miracles to refurbish obsolete equipment.    
24 engineers and 6 support staff keep the whole show on the road, and they can proudly boast the highest (by far) serviceability rate of the entire RAF fleet. Why can't this expertise be repeated throughout  other parts of the services?? Instead we have a load of helicopters which have never flown because of software cockups, and barely half of the frontline jets are available at any one time.    
If the ConDems really gave a fuck they would do some serious arse kicking, instead of selling our national security down the river. But, of course, that's been the plan all along.....</span></span>

Caratacus said...

<span>Abso-fuckin-lutely md. Well said.  
Thing is, the bollock brains in the cabinet probably view the BoBMF as a group of slightly eccentric old duffers who don't belong in the 'real world'. You see, if Cameron, Osborne, Maude, et al need something they get someone to order it for them. New car? Of course sir, we don't need to discuss price do we sir? Thought not. 'Darling, The Beemer's playing up again, I need a new one...' They apply this mindset to government procurement and are genuinely bewildered when people tell them they are being ripped off by incredulous suppliers who can't believe their good fortune.  
If my Mum was put in charge we could get rid of income tax in a fortnight.</span>

GrumpyOldTwat said...

I'll second that MD. The difference is that they remember and respect an era where pride in their work, Country and heritage were all important. The ConDems are now maintaining the 'what's in it for me' era ... a seamless continuance of 13 years of New Labour.

microdave said...

"<span><span>Abso-fuckin-lutely md. Well said."  - Blushes profusely....</span></span>

<span><span>They are anything but </span></span><span><span>"slightly eccentric old duffers", in fact many of them are barely half as old as the planes they are working on. And I understand that there is some competition to get on the team. The pilots all give up their weekends to fly them, and rarely see their families during the summer display season. I've been lucky enough to meet a few of them, and it's a very humbling experience.

Long may they continue.

Houdini said...

I didn't really think you'd been taken in ;) but it made the point....

As to Cameron, I still think, maybe over charitably, that they have their hands tied to a great extent at the moment with the deficit and contracts already being signed a few years ago. Maybe I'm just being a bit silly and allowing my cynicsm to be curtailed for the Tories.

We'll see, but they seem to have made a good start in other areas where they have more leeway.

Caratacus said...

Know what you mean md. Shades of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" there.  And I did say that's how Cameron et al view the BoBMF - not the rest of us humble mortals. I take my hat off to them, I really do. (The BoBMF, not Cameron and his fellow members of the Bullingdon Mutual Masturbation Society).

Barking Spider said...

Count me in, too!

ArtCo said...

Ive nicked this gotty hope you dont mind

GrumpyOldTwat said...

No worries ... anytime ;)