Friday, 15 October 2010

On Second Thoughts .....

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Woman on a raft said...

I knew our footballers were thick but surely even they don't have to googles each other's spouses in the news just to tell them apart?

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Footballers' wives .. not a very fussy group, dontcha think? Btw, great comment WoaR .. made oi larf out loud < *rare*

Ampers said...

Hell, expect a steady drop in Grumpy's posts over the next few decades. :)

microdave said...

"<span>over the next few decades."  - At the current rate of attrition he might be the only one left!

GrumpyOldTwat said...

Next few hours more like ... on second thoughts .... perhaps you're right, unless I can find a suitable bag to put over my head ;)

GrumpyOldTwat said...

It might be sooner than you think! This weekend I shall mainly be fucking about with the blog template ... again. (High possibility of pressing the wrong button whilst pissed).
But I do promise you a few excellent posts for #tfif first  ;)  

microdave said...

With our luck you'll press the "O.K" button just as your 3G Dongle drops its connection, leaving the blog in some sort of suspended animation...

Remember to create a restore point first.

GrumpyOldTwat said...

A 'Life Restore' widget! How much fucking fun could I have with that!