Friday, 17 September 2010

Looks Fine to Me Vince

Original story HERE

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Mark said...

5 North African "street Sweepers" arrested on terror suspision WTF? BBC were admitting they were not British citizens. Last I checked the map not EU either so how the FUCK do these scum get jobs? Can I apply for the vacancy seeing as I'm British (white) and fucking unemployed. My fucking bloods boiling, this bloody country. Vince Cable your a cunt.

tinks said...

Getting on for 3m unemployed, 8m economically inactive, and uncontrolled immigration is somehow neither a problem nor social issue.

What is it about the PTB in this country that seem to be at war with its people?

No wonder people give up. It frustrates the hell out of me.

Vince Cable, erstwhile economic guru (!), idiot - and traitor?

tinks said...

Getting on for 3m unemployed, 8m economically inactive, and uncontrolled immigration is somehow neither a problem nor social issue.

What is it about the PTB in this country that seem to be at war with its people?

No wonder people give up. It frustrates the hell out of me.

Vince Cable, erstwhile economic guru (!), idiot - and traitor?

tinks said...

Getting on for 3m unemployed, 8m economically inactive, and uncontrolled immigration is somehow neither a problem nor social issue.

What is it about the PTB in this country that seem to be at war with its people?

No wonder people give up. It frustrates the hell out of me.

Vince Cable, erstwhile economic guru (!), idiot - and traitor?

Nicolalala in La La Land said...

Here's a shocking thought Mr Cable.
Instead of importing lots of very cheap skilled labour from abroad lets train our many young people who are without work to do the jobs instead.
It may be quite difficult to get your head round but there are actually some youngsters that do have relevant academic qualifications and don't have 3 kids by the time they're 17. Yes, and some of them even WANT to work.
Because they're young you can pay them peanuts too. Like I was paid when I started work at 16.
Sounds like a win/win situation to me.

John Hillan Baker said...

I want that cap! I might get arrested if I wear it though.

Captain Peacock said...

They get jobs because this private company pays slave wages and the slaves top it up with multiple benefit claims. Its all too late to do anything about it now blame all the 650 traitors who allowed it to happen.
Cable is a good example living in another world.

Dave said...

If managing the economy is just a matter of packing lots of cheap labour in who spend their pittances and thus become additional consumers, then I can do that. Gizza job!! I wont worry about whether its sustainable or not I will just piss off with a copper bottomed pension and of course my peerage for pin money.

Bring On The Revolution said...

Mr Cable is yet another example of the totally and utterly inept do-gooder leftie treasonous traitors of the political establishment that is completely on another fucking planet. They have completely sold our country out to the utterly evil power-grabbing neo Stalinist EUSSR and at the same time allowed uncontrolled mass third world immigration consisting of muzzie terrorist scummy cunts, pikey traveller scum, muzzie and other foreign paedophile lowlifes, and other assorted disease-carrying and criminal scum with their multi-fucking-cultural/diversity fucking awareness fucking bullshit that we are force-fed every day by the pravda BBC and the controlled media. Every one of our towns and cities are on the way to being completely colonised and infested with these lowlife muzzie pieces of shit wearing their fucking hideous pyjamas and fucking burquas, so us indigenous white Brits are made to feel like a foreigner in OUR own country!
Well enough is enough it's about time the 650 or so traitors of Westminster were hanged for treason along with the rest of the Gaurdianista muzzie bought and paid for Europhile political establishment who's stinking tentacles reach absolutely everywhere and exterminate all the above mentioned immigrant asylum seeking benefit scrounging vermin that now infest every corner of OUR country!
Only then will we have OUR country back!!!!
Revolution NOW!!!!

Gildas said...

Wow! Now that's a good rant 

Gildas said...

As ever on a Friday night, cheers to GOT and all in GOT world.
This country is basically FULL. Some Doctor from Hong Kong or Moscow comes over here to minister progressive plastic surgery to burned children - That's cool. Algerian extremists and the spawn of Somali Pirates who's entire contribution to the economy is knife crime shoplifting and getting work for Legal Aid lawyers at my expense can - pardon my French, dear EU, FUCK RIGHT OFF. >:o

And if you don't fucking like it, too fucking bad.   
I am sick to back teeth of do gooding pompous ass liberal cunts who have more money than sense bleating on about things they do not understand because of their weird inverted snobbery and a desire to fuck the decent law abiding folk of this country because they prefer the 'Yuman Rights of terrorists, drug and people traffickers, and the dregs of other people's societies.  >:o

Phew!   :-P
Happy Weekend, everyone, and Blessings Be Upon Thee O:-)

Gildas said...

Ps Pardon the spelling mistake. It's Friday.  :-[  

Bring On The Revolution said...

Wow! Now that was a good rant as well Gildas, totally agree with you!!!!

Fascist Hippy said...

Well at least one judge appears to have got his act together on the situation,

Captain Peacock said...

 He should be made the Lord Chief Justice.

Bert Rodinsky said...

Oh come on folks, stop being so hard on St. Vince. I think he does very well for a late stage alzheimers sufferer.

Craig said...

Had a thought the other night (then laid down for 10 mins to let it pass). It is said that we need to protect the environment and that means all our natural resources like those fucking "save water" adverts that have started. Well how about this...take Slough that claims 100K people but the sewage manager estimates 120K by the amount of shit they have to deal with. OK so if we want to save the environment then combat illegal immigration and at a stroke we can save 20%!!!
Where's my medal!!!