A British teenager has been banned from America for life for sending Barack Obama an abusive email. No great loss but what the fuck did he say that got the FBI into such a rage that they ordered the British police to issue the 17 year old with the ban, in person? Apparently, Luke Angel (yes, that really is his name) called the President .......... "a prick".
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President Obama is a prick |
Fucking hell, is that all? What a disappointment.
Surely we can do better than that, can't we?
Come on then, do your worst, you know you want to .......
Tags: FBI, President Obama, Prick
PS. The Eye and I have been trying our best over here, with a total of 7 nominations so far. Although neither of us have had an urgent visit from the FBI as yet. Unless they called while we were down at the off licence, of course ;-)

I'll start my bidding off with a Little Video that I made earlier.
Obama is a total and utter cunt
Allegedly.... or he's just a prize prick
Lets see them revoke an indefinite tourist visa
I left a blogger comment....
Like your photo.
Can I now call Obama "The Fresh Prince of Bell End" ???
How the fuck I could have forgotten that classic video, and one of Gatward's favourites, fuck only knows.! Duly added to the main post now though ;)
No worries, FWoE, I'll repeat it here for you ......
"Obama is a total and utter cunt
Allegedly.... or he's just a prize prick
Lets see them revoke an indefinite tourist visa"
Perhaps Gary McKinnon should send the same e-mail?
Sorry, Obummer...who the fuck is that when its at home then!
Do you mean Barry Soetero the bloke without a birth certificate and erstwhile ruler of the 'free' world?
Well why didn't you say so, if he's a prick then he should rub along very nicely with our ex PM Bliar who is undoubtedly a CUNT!
Cheers Billy ... and I don't see why not, after all, he is a prick ;)
An inspired suggestion JP!
Bellend Obummer, the very same half black Kenyan muslim who has seen fit not provide anyone with his full birth certificate. Now, I wonder what would happen to any of us if we tried that?
You may not have had a visit yet, but perhaps they have been leaning on Orange?
Fuck me, my broadband is back up to speed again. I can answer comments, watch videos and everything .... without even having to shave while I'm fucking waiting for any of it to load! Orange are still a bunch of useless cunts though.
Hmmm yes, maybe I spoke too soon MD (see below). Now you come to mention it, it's not the first time it's happened is it and I never seem to get a straight answer from those fuckwits in Mombai. Although maybe that's because they're just fuckwits ;) . Possibly.
Just fuck the fucking fuck off and die Obama you filthy black Muzzie CUNT!!!!
Shite! Beaten to it.
I want to use the Cunt word (in fact I did on my blog) but everyone's using it. I prefer Terence Fuckwit. In fact Jellyheaded, Terence Fuckwit.
I wonder how many Americans will be emailing him to also get banned from the USA? Hey, think about it, it everyone does then it will mean they'll all get banned and he'll be the only one left! Then we can send in the British Army and take back America and have the country back again! Then we can send Obama back to Kenya where he belongs and start repopulating the USA again with all those who have just been banned!!!
Joe Public that's absolutely classic. In fact he could send him an email which will either mean he gets banned from the USA or Luke gets unbanned. Brilliant idea!
Sad day for the Land of the Free & Home of the Brave when they can't take a bit of mild criticism from a teenager who didn't even tell the whole truthl which is that Obumma is a cunt.
Joanne Ferreira, of the US Department of Homeland Security, said there are about 60 reasons a person can be barred.
She added: " but we ain't gonna tell you what they are".
fav Sky quote
"Interesting concept., Brit Teen banned from US because of an e mail, yet an American pastor can incite religious hatred worldwide with impunity by threatening to burn the Koran. Something is seriously wrong here."<span>Recommended (144)</span>
So, from someone who doesn't like Obama the US SServices have created someone who doesn't like the USA.
It kind of parallels how individuals are radicalised and terrorists are made?
So, from someone who doesn't like Obama the US SServices have created someone who doesn't like the USA.
It kind of parallels how individuals are radicalised and terrorists are made?
The story appears (though Google caught the Sky News one 4 hours earlier, but that doesn't mean much) to be on Anorak as well: http://www.anorak.co.uk/259084/politicians/british-teen-luke-angel-banned-from-us-forever-for-calling-obama-a-prick.html
Anorak is a satire site. Like the Daily Mash.
It's not conclusive, but this may be another instance of Poe's Law...
half black ;)
<span>" but we ain't gonna tell you what they are"</span>
Presumably so that they can make it the fuck up as they go along. Just to suit them, of course.
Here Gotty .... Make that "Cock-sucking, Muzzie-loving" Bellend Obummer ...
And I've never had the least desire to visit America .. so they can poke their meaningless ban up their collective arseholes ...
Now that would be funny especially as it now appears to be on the Daily Wail website too ;)
Oh, yes .. and if Special Branch wish to call on me .. they'll get the same answer they got last time I had dealings with them ..
"And what makes you think you're so fucking special then" ??? .. :) :) :)
Pure arrogance Cap'n. They always expect the proles to bough to their so called superiority ;)
* just fetching my coat*
At the risk of going against the flow, you simply can't go around calling the American president a prick. You can't call him a cunt either. Both these anatomical parts have valuable uses (and I don't mean waving yours at the window, Gatward) whereas Obummer has no conceivable use whatsoever.
It would be better, therefore, if we refer to him as a useless fucking retard.
Is that enough to get me banned from visiting the land of the free, you Merrkan fuckwits?
P.S. This is called "Free Speech". Look it up.
I have a feeling he may not read your blog Gotty. I think you have to email him direct.
There is a form on that page. Why not send a link to this blog page and say lots of others feel the same way, when we'll all get the fuzz around warning us off.
Those who get banned will probably have a first class flight ticket to the US the next time a Republican is arrested to a free party at the white house!
How about 'dumb fuckwit, too thick to even tie his own shoelaces' or, without any bad language but speaking the truth 'absolutely the worst President the US has ever had, the spiritual twin of Gordon Brown the worst Prime Minister the UK has ever had'
Then I have news for them Gotty ..
The days when this "prole" had to bow to anyone are long gone ..
And if they don't like that .. Fuck 'em all ... Cos I couldn't give a fish's tit ... :) :)
Who gives a monkey's fuck what they are anyway ???
Obama is a nigger who should go back to the cotton fields where he belongs
Dear Sir,
Just sent the following to Obummer:
Since the young kid who was rude to you was visited by the British Police on your instructions, there has been a huge amount of activity on the blogs and I fear you have done your reputation no end of harm in Britain.
However since it has also been reported that you hate the British because of the colonialism of Kenya, I would guess you won't care too much.
I am, actually, a white African but that is not the reason I am writing.
The newspapers have said this young child has been banned for life from entering the USA.
Here is my question:
Will you be President for life?
I mean, surely the republicans, when they get in, will cancel the ban?
PS, Don't waste your time banning me, I am seventy-one and when I go abroad it is either to Belgium or to South Africa.
On seconds thought, as I am an editor of a newspaper, please do ban me, and have the police come around. It would make a terrific story for my paper.
I sent him an email a while back using that form at http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact and I said something along the lines of...... "Why don't you just fuck the fucking fuckety fuck off, you communist cunt" :-P :-D
I have to say that I'm most disappointed not to have been banned for life from visiting the US or even to have received a "visit" from Special Branch. :(
In fact, Obamalamafuckface is now sending me emails all the fucking time...... I can't get rid of the cunt and his fucking commie cronies! =-O
Heeeeeeelp! >:o
Get a good Spam filter Spidey .. like the American voters should have done ... ;)
......But still a Muzzie cunt!!!!!
An excellent email Ampers .... be interesting to see what they make of that! I suppose it would be too much to expect a reply from the half black, freedom fucking half wit though ;)
Have also sent a link to this post via that contact link you posted above. I'll sit and wait for a knock at the door then ;)
That's fucking right!
Fair comment Mr C, much along the lines of Ampers argument that a 'spent dick' is totally useless, as opposed to a cunt ;)
Can't fault you there .... they're definitely the worst ever!
Classic clip!
LoL Spidey ..... and I still get regular emails addressed to the 'Kenyan Fuckwad' !
I'd imagine I'm going to be sent to a FEMA camp any moment now. This is hilarious. Please let me know which ones of you are banned for life from USA!
I've been really busy the last few days, and missed all the fun.
I say obummer is a shit head!
It's the gift that keeps on giving, Gotty. hee hee.
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