I see, via TheEye, that today is a big day if you're a member of the The British Stammering Association because their London Open Day event is taking place in Bethnal Green. All are w-w-w-welcome.
The main highlight, of course will be the attendance of their s-s-s-special guest speaker, Ed 'blinky' Balls, who has t-t-t-taken time out from hisdesperate attempt not to finish last in the Labour Leadership Election busy schedule to take as long as possible to say a few words.
The main highlight, of course will be the attendance of their s-s-s-special guest speaker, Ed 'blinky' Balls, who has t-t-t-taken time out from his
The day will also be offering attendees an eclectic mix of workshops and presentations (or so they say) with various topics that will include:
• Stress: to react or respond?• Neuro-linguistic programming
• McGuire Programme and Starfish Project
(I do hope that's not a chocolate one?)
• Workshops dealing with public speaking, belief system, non-avoidance
and schools etc.
What the fuck!
And as TheEye points out ..... Public speaking? Belief system? Non-avoidance? Is B-B-B-Balls going as a speaker or as a fucking patient? Well, one thing's for fucking sure, he won't be needing any of those skills when he comes last in the Labour Leadership election. Despite his delusions of grandeur, it's still a straight race between the one who looks like a rapist and the one who has borderline Down's Syndrome.

I'm mortified, Gotty, that you've not been following my take on this farce. Millipede senior is a shoe in. Hattie has long since announced she stays as "deputy dawg (bitch), whilst her old dog, Dromey, gets a post to satisfy UNITE, with Millipede minor, (in every sense of the word) gets something juicy. (Not Hattie).
Millipede twins snr and jnr, Socialist muzzie luvvie cunt Balls, or that odious sanctimonious black woman and the rest of then can all just fuck off and die as far as I'm concerned!!
Don't be OR. You'd be surprised at how much I DO follow. You're one of my daily reads on the google reader. So there ;)
Whole thing is a put up job ... as I have been constantly saying here. Dave MiliBliar was a certainty the minute that McSnotty fucked off to Jockland with those two young boys.
Oh absolutely spot on G.O.T! The whole Liebore party is just a horrid mixture of sickly putrid smells infested with liars, treasonous treacherous traitors and two-faced backstabbing cunts that have utterly ruined our country and sold us out to muzzie cunts and Europhile EUSSR cunts. How long before all the Labour failures end up on the Euro gravy train suckling the taxpayer like a parasitic plant? And I'm sure as hell not taken in by the Con Dem coalition either as they are cast from exactly the same metropolitan elite Westminster bubble mould of utter traitors!!!
Utter cunts the fucking lot of 'em!!!
"Chocolate Starfish"??? - I was going to mention that, but thought better of it....
I didn't want to lower the tone!
Lower the tone? In here? Never.
Get out of the gutter, you're in front of my periscope :-D
Don't ever worry about lowering the tone here. I think I've set the bar so low that even those poor miners in Chile are still waaaay above it.
BOTR - wasn't sure about your understated viewpoint before, but I'm persuaded now. Thanks mate! "Two-faced backstabbing cunts" - poetry.
Apparently several of the miners have mistresses, and a war has broken out over who gets any compensayshun...
One wife has FOUR competitors!
Now I think of it he was going on about 'bum crack sucking' yesterday - I had a rather different view in mind than the Fat Poof & Nick Robinson...
Regarding "Blinky" .. see my comments over at ASE's place ..
I'm given to understand that there's a new reality TV show been launched in Chile .. its called "Dig Brother" ... ;)
Ahh .. Taxi for Haddock ? .. Thank you ... :)
I can see they're going to have to squeeze a few blow up dolls down that 4 inch rescue shaft. Just to keep those over sexed miners satisfied.
(just jealous really although if Pigsy found out I had 4 mistresses, I'd be two bollocks short of a packed lunch ... just now)
And a great couple of comments they were too, over there, Cap'n! PMSL ;)
However ... 'Dig Brother'? * >coat >door *
That's why I took the precaution of pre-booking the Taxi Gotty ... ;) :) :)
Fare 'doos' ;)
Blimey Gotty .. that's a real blast from the past .. "Fair Doooo's" was the favourite saying of the late Cpl "Rabbi" Radford RM .. (said in a broad East Midlands accent) .. a very funny man & a good "oppo" .. RIP
Actually, "Blinky" Balls wasn't the first choice of the BSA .. They originally wanted Alf Ippititimus, but discovered he hasn't been available for public engagements for some years .. ;)
Showing my age here, but I thought "BSA" stood for the Birmingham Small Arms company - well know makers of rifles and motorcycles. Alternatively known (to riders of the second category) as "Bloody Sore Arse"....
Ahhh .. the good old days Dave ..
When Britain actually proudly produced & exported goods ..
When I was a kid, I had an uncle who used to ride a BSA "Bantam" & would occasionally let me ride pillion, for short distances (in the pre-helmet days) .. ;)
Nice old b & w pic of Martin Johnson. Hadn't realised he had a twin though.
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