A blank canvas to work with ... so do your worst. I'll do some versions to include the best couple of slogans and reproduce them here, if I can be arsed. Or just have a go yourself and send them in. Try and keep the messages shortish or they just won't fucking fit. Simples ;-)
The labels for this post would be my contribution
although not necessarily in that order .....

That'll be so Miliband Snr can walk by without his banana being spotted.
Excellent thinking outside of the box JP ;)
The Labour party has ED. Erectile Dysfunction
Bugger off you Union bastards?
The end of the world is nigh - for Labour
'This way for 'Ed's Reds'
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.
Melting of minds - this way.
Scargill Lounge
Golf Sale
"This placard is also available in Urdu, Arabic + Swahili"
Votes for Sale
Fuck those couple of marxists cunts so hard up the fucking arse they gag, the complete and utter total fucking pair of fucking cunts. Fuck the pair of them and the Labour party.
Yes, I've been drinking.
Off to watch spooks!
"Oh cum all Ye Faithful" ...
"Abandon hope all ye who enter here" ...
"Arbeit Macht Frei" (not) ...
"Interactive Dinosaur exhibition this way" ...
Those leaving conference for the lib dems queue here!
"The end is definitely fucking nigh!"
Brilliant effort on the sign LOL, just about says it all about those Muzzie/Third World immigrant Liebore cunts!!!
Senile Communists this way
Welsh,Scottish,Union and Just Cunts
Dhimitude and Sharia
Shoot a Labour Commie Cunt competition this way>>>
Want to manacle the army?
Donkeys leading Lions
Mrs Kinnocks curtain wipe
Sorry G.O.T got carried away, gonna email you shortly regards Ciggy busters and Art.
Prescott is a fat cunt.
Terry Kelly is a fucking bell end.
Shag BevaniteEllie for 50p. Bargain.
How about this?
Party members must be entranced before voting.
(As in having a spell put on you-the other meaning of entrance)
Even with a Jewish Marxist leading them. They still are This Fucking Stupid!
This way to Red Ed's...
Uncensored image here:
And Electile Dysfunction too.
I know that I'm going against the spirit of the initial post, but I'm just fucking about making my Own Pictures Of Red Ed O!
THIS !! is more like it m8s,,, & so true
Indigenous, non Commist belief Britons not welcome.
<span><span>Beneficii coadă începe aici semn pe forţei de muncă şi de a vota</span></span>
Benefits queue starts here sign on and vote labour
<p>Here's a couple more good ones I picked up from @SteelRainMkII via twatter .....
<span>I'm more H.O.T. than G.O.T. Best start to the day I've had in ages. Funny as fuck! So many great slogans ..... far too many to choose from. Keep 'em coming!</span>
Is that a real word? If it isn't it damn well should be ;)
I'll have a quid's worth then ;)
Found the original Gotty...
Get down and boogie.
Get down and boogie.
Get down and boogie.
Do you have a liking for threesomes?
Do you have a liking for threesomes?
Do you have a liking for threesomes?
For goodness sake, Gotty, I don't think I will comment on your blog ever again. It's getting far too embarrassing!
For goodness sake, Gotty, I don't think I will comment on your blog ever again. It's getting far too embarrassing!
For goodness sake, Gotty, I don't think I will comment on your blog ever again. It's getting far too embarrassing!
@sixtypoundsaweekcleaner. Welcome to your employee appraisal - no, don't sit down, this won't take long. You are overpaid and you will henceforth be on twenty pounds a week. Yes, that's life. Tough Shit. Next.
Was going to put this link on CP, but you beat me to it!!
We Must tell evil Stalinist/Marxist?Muzzie-loving bought and paid for empire EUSSR to fuck the fucking fuck right off and die and hang all the treasonous traitor politicians for getting us shackled EUSSR cunts in the first place, Heath is a WANKER!!!!!
How about,
Welcome to 'Cuntsworld' a cunt based theme park for the whole population.
Love it! Hours of fucking mockery to be had with that theme ;)
Bugger! I've been rumbled ;)
Haven't a fucking clue about the twatting triplicate bollocks ..... must be user error I reckon ;)
Now that's not fucking funny .... just fucking frigthening!
I know it's David, but who the fuck cares?
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