Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Grumpy Old Twat Doesn't Like .....

....... automated voice mail messaging services with it's press 1 for this and press 2 for fucking that and they never seem to have the selection that you really, really want. However, I recently came across an educational one that is a tad better than the usual bollocks .......



Unknown said...

Brilliant Grumps. I'm having a problem with my LG mobby and Orange. I have had a few voice mails and phone up the requesite three digit number to go to my Orange messenger service. Usual bollocks, press one to listen to your voicemail, 2 for this 3 for that etc.

The bloody service does not respond to my inputing of the number one and goes over the numbers again. So it's a phone call to Islamabad or somewhere where the low talking foreigner has not a clue what I am talking about. After half an hour I get through to him and he says I need a pin number to retrieve my messages so he sets one up.

Tries to retrieve my messages with my pin number at hand....Press 1 to listen to your 2...never asked for a fookin' pin number, BASTARDS!

Every mobile I've ever had has had a bloody glitch in it of one kind or another. Why do I bother with them eh???

Anonymous said...

Orange can be right bastard useless at times, TBY. I had a few problems with their broadband about a year ago.

Here's a handy graphic that I did at the time which basically sums up the fuckers nicely ;-)

microdave said...

"If you want this in another language, MOVE TO A COUNTRY THAT SPEAKS IT"

Since Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee are canvassing public opinion on where to impose cuts, how about making council translation services the first on the list....

Whilst BT are far and away the worst offenders when it comes to menus, TalkTalk/Tiscrapi aren't far behind. When I had some problems recently I tried ringing their "technical help" (yeah, right....), and was advised to call back from a different number. Thinking this may be because their system has detected it was not the one registered to our account, I duly called back from the correct one, AND GOT THE SAME FUCKING MESSAGE!!!

In the end I gave up phoning them, and sent an email. The saga of that is worthy of a separate post....

Anonymous said...

grumps, how can I e mail this voice mail thing? its feckin marvellous!

Anonymous said...

Just click on one of the share icons in the grey panel at the foot of this post.

The 'envelope' icon is for email ;-)

David Mansfield said...

Brilliant just bloody brilliant !!!!!

Bunni said...

That was funny,  ;)

Brenda said...