You may have noticed that I haven't had much to say yet about the climate change, AGW, global warming, Act On Co2 or whatever the fucking else those money grabbing, kiddie hoodwinking bastards are calling it these days. It strikes me that if they don't stop using the word green six times a twatting sentence, every time they open those gob shite lying gannet holes of theirs, they'll wear the fucking word out.
I'm sick and fucking tired of seeing that 'Act On Co2' scaremongering shit being rammed into our childrens' innocent heads, in a blatant attempt to use our own kin as some kind of 'conscience leverage'.
OOoo drowning puppies, poor thirsty rabbits, look at those floating kittens. It's all the grown-ups fault. Turning on light bulbs. Flying in big metal birds. Watching the TV. Eating ickle lickle moo moo cows. Oh, and heaven forbid, using an evil motor car to get to work.
Fuck off!
Fuck the fucking fucketty fuck off!
I'm sick of the humongous bollocksing hypocrisy of the whole twatting lot of them. The patronising politicians, the low life 'leaders', the holier than fucking thou do-fucking-good-ers. It's ok for them to swan around the fucking globe, by the hundred with their sycophantic hangers on, burning energy like there's no cunting tomorrow and then they proceed to scare the fucking shit out of our kids about how much energy WE are wasting.
Give me fucking strength!
So here is my version of the 'Act On Co2' advertising campaign.
It's the biggest project that I've tackled so far, mainly because I'm so incandescent with rage I just wanted to find a way of fighting back against the government brainwashing.
I'm hoping that as many people as possible will run with a few of these adverts by posting them on blogs and emailing them to anyone they think will be interested, in an attempt to flood the blogosphere with this alternative message.
Far be it from me to tell you all what to do, it's not my style, we should all still have the freedom to do what we think is right for us and our families but I am deadly fucking serious about all this. I'm really trying my best to do something constructive. Something that might make just make a difference.
Thank you.
Apologies for the images being a little on the small side in this post
but there are just so many of them.
Please click on any image to enlarge and view full size
and/or download them.
If this all manages to gather a bit of momentum
I have plenty more ideas for further adverts.
ADVERT UPDATE 2nd December
Non-sweary ones for a change ;-)
ADVERT UPDATE 6th December
More new adverts added to the campaign HERE
Watch the video HERE
Just for the record here are the official UK climate change con websites:
Act On C02 Act On Copenhagen
For more detailed info on the great Climate Change Con and CRU,
I suggest you check out
Barking Spider, Banned &
These bloggers are all carrying informative posts with excellent videos
and further links to more detailed hoax material
+++UPDATE 2+++
Many thanks to one of our commentors, MicroDave,
for sending in this picture of his newly adorned Fiat Panda.
Fucking nice one!
If anyone else has good pics of the adverts on their cars
or anywhere else, feel free to email them in ;-)