"I confess that I am an ill-educated poltroon with no talent of any description. The only emotion I am aware of is that of envy. I envy everyone because everyone is better than I am. My self-esteem is so low that it can only be described in terms of an infinite series that diverges to minus infinity. I am looked down on by everything because I am less appealing than a lump of hardened earwax. I do not even have a name."
"G.O.T and you are a complete cunt. Add thta one."
Anon, you are illegal because your education has obviously failed; I feel victimised and harrassed by having to read your statement and demand my visit from neighbouhood plod to reassure me.
G.O.T and you are a complete cunt. Add thta one.
Interesting thesis, anon.
I'm rather drunk. I may need to decode your fine prose further in the morning ;-)
I've been at the old vino myself, today, CS, so I will also have to decode Anonymouse's fine prose on the morrow! LOL
Decoding of Anon's elegant contribution:
"I confess that I am an ill-educated poltroon with no talent of any description. The only emotion I am aware of is that of envy. I envy everyone because everyone is better than I am. My self-esteem is so low that it can only be described in terms of an infinite series that diverges to minus infinity. I am looked down on by everything because I am less appealing than a lump of hardened earwax. I do not even have a name."
"G.O.T and you are a complete cunt. Add thta one."
Anon, you are illegal because your education has obviously failed; I feel victimised and harrassed by having to read your statement and demand my visit from neighbouhood plod to reassure me.
Anon, 18.08: not a copper, by any chance? Just wondering.
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