So, the Irish are getting all high and fucking mighty about Thierry Henry, being a cheating French cunt, because he handled the ball prior to France scoring the winning goal in some football match or other. As a result the Irish are up in arms and are calling for the match to be replayed. They want a second chance.
Oh yeah? Let's wind the clock back a bit shall we.
Last time the Irish were given a second chance, they fucked it up. The hopes of all of us rested on the bog trotters doing the right thing. They didn't. As a result we are now being lauded over by a Belgian Bun and yet another unelected British politician, whose only claim to fame was to come a close second to Margaret Beckett in a Grand National winner looky-likey competition.
So, thanks for nothing you bunch of bollock brained, bog trotting, twats. What goes around comes around. So stop your fucking moaning and shut the fuck up. You lost. Live with it.
However, I will agree with you on one thing, Thierry Henry is a cheating French cunt only interested in advancing his interests at any cost. He must take after Sarkozy then.
Finally, at the risk of repeating myself . . .
Absolutely Brilliant G.O.T!!!!
W/V "portrum" - Isn't that a place in Ireland?
Thank you GOT.You know,I DID feel sorry for Ireland until you just reminded me the EU vote.And you are SPOT ON as usual.
You really DO know you're fucked, when some people kick up more of a fucking fuss over a football match than they do over their rights to democracy.
Give me fucking strength!
*leaves room to peel some potatoes*
Ah, don't blame the Irish. It's far from clear that the result of the second referendum in Ireland was not fraudulent.
Still, I'm glad the French have pissed in their colecannon ...
As an Irish person outraged at that result, all I can say is we lost as a result of cheating, but that result should stand as it is. The only thing I would like done is the video referee brought in. That is what I would fight for.
As for the Lisbon Treaty, yeah most Irish People are mentally retarded in the case of the Lisbon Treaty and had to vote Yes because the government ran a scare tactic campaign of we'll all burn in hell if we dont vote this in. Anyway in the end this generation is actually getting up off their arse to contend with something they care about. The Lisbon Treaty and all its illiterate ways wasnt appealing to any young person. Football is, so thats why you have more people up in arms about this result than the Lisbon Treaty. And as for the comment about bollock brained bog trotting twats. You're just an ignorant CUNT.
Thank you (genuinely) for proving my point so well. Oh and thanks for the compliment too. It makes a refreshing change from being called an offensive cunt. After all, it could be worse, at least I'm not a spud growing cunt, eh ;-)
Are you a morris dancing cunt then GOT?
I, of course, still light a candle to THE greatest handball player in all of footballs history, the beloved Maradonna:¬)
Ain't it odd that Europe has fairly shat on Ireland since the yes vote.
Not really, the EU got what they wanted and have thrown the Irish away like some cheap tart.
Heads up people, a Scots blogger has been forced to cloase down by allegations from the fucking News of the World!
That's fucking right and you, of course, would possibly be a caber tossing cunt ;-)
Incidentally, I'm just supping a rather nice Glen Moray at the moment. Much better than that Irish stuff any day of the week!
Now then, where's Fido when you need him ;-)
News of the Screws?
What the fuck!
Cheers Conan, I'm off to check it out . . .
Here's an Irish blogger called Grandad who is of the same opinion as you G.O.T. on THAT football match. He's a great writer and has no time for Irish politicians or the fucking smoking ban. He makes me think of but I don't know why.
Thanks, I popped over and left a comment.
Nice one ;-)
Just to set the record straight, there are one or two of us who are not BBBTTs and who hate football, but we are in danger of extinction. Roll on the Revolution though, and we shall prevail!
Too fucking right Grandad, as you said over at your place, it's the other 67% that are ;-)
go and fuck yourself you ignorant racist wanker! If france cheated and put england out you wankers would have scrambled the military for an invasion.
I still think France are a better team but they didnt deserve to win by cheating and the Irish have EVERY RIGHT to complian. But then the brits have never been strong on recognising irish peoples rights have they? Now fuck off you senile old cunt.
As for Lisbon we voted NO but the govt overturned democracy and mobilsed a yes vote. Get your fucking facts right assholes.
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