Thursday, 20 August 2009

You've been Sussed Bob.

David Davis on Afghanistan:
What would winning look like? Underpinning Afghan democracy? Stabilising the Karzai regime? Providing education and healthcare to the Afghan population, both male and female? Delivering law and order? Eradicating corruption? Creating a working economy? Crushing the drug trade? Protecting Pakistan from instability? Or simply defeating the Taliban and creating a stable state?

Bit different to running a strike in a car factory isn't it Bob?


Anonymous said...

Funny as fucking fuck Lawson!

Sponger Bob Twist Pants ;-)

Lawson said...

The Dogsters comment yesterday cracked me and I couldn't let it go!

Anonymous said...

PMSL @ that too!
Another Fido classic.

The End (Bye Bye!) said...

Spongebob Squarepants would make a much better Defence Sec.

Houdini said...

Bit different to running a strike in a car factory isn't it Bob?

Nit for Labour or the likes of Ainsworth it isn't.

Decide on a course of action you know to be a cunts trick and for purely ideological reasons, and let every other fucker suffer while you sit back and watch. fuck up after fuck up, but who gives a cunting cunt?

Sounds VERY Labour to me.