Saturday 9 May 2009

Troughligate Top Ten

The Daily Mail has detailed the top ten 'fiddles' that MP's use to lavish themselves with OUR cash via the Parliamentary expenses system.

So eyes down, look in for the Top Ten Troughligate techniques:

MP says London property is 'second home' and uses public money to pay for furniture and carry out repairs. They then 'switch' the designation to their constituency home so they can use the taxpayer to spruce that one up.
Example: Chancellor Alistair Darling - Used second homes' allowance for family house in Edinburgh, then in September 2005 designated this his 'main home' and used taxpayers' money to buy a flat in Oval, south London.

MP climbs property ladder by renovating 'second home' with public money, then selling it for a profit. This allows them to buy another home using taxpayers' cash, then selling this.
Example: Communities Secretary Hazel Blears - In April 2004, she spruced up her south London 'second home', sold it for a £45,000 profit three months' later, then used expenses to buy another more expensive 'second home' in London.

MP claims full rate of council tax on 'second' home, which is paid by the taxpayer. But they tell the council their other home is their 'second' property - qualifying for council tax discount, which they pay themselves.
Example: Justice Secretary Jack Straw - Given a 50 per cent discount on council tax on Blackburn home, but claimed the full amount from his expenses.

MPs who fail to claim the maximum expenses during the financial year embark on a spending spree in March to 'use up' their allowance before April deadline.
Example: Hazel Blears - Bought an £850 television and video recorder and a £651 mattress in March 2004.

MPs who announce they are quitting Parliament fork out thousands on repairs and refurbishments to boost the value of their second home and maximise profits when it is sold.
Example: Business Secretary Peter Mandelson - Claimed nearly £3,000 for repairs to his ex-constituency home in Hartlepool in the week after he announced he was stepping down as an MP to become a European Commissioner.

MPs' can avoid paying thousands of pounds in capital gains tax, which is payable on second homes and can be levied at rates of up to 40 per cent, be re-classifying their 'second' property as their 'main' on when they sell.
Example: Work and Pensions Secretary James Purnell - Declared his London flat was his second home to claim expenses. But when he sold it in 2004, he told the Inland Revenue it was his main home.

MPs' are meant to nominate the place where they spend the least time as their 'second'.
But some say their main family home is their second property, so the taxpayer foots the large household bills. Meanwhile, their 'main' home is a cheap rented room in a friend's house.
Example: Home Secretary Jacqui Smith - Embroiled in sleaze probe after clawing in £138,000 of expenses by claiming a bedroom at her sisters London address was her main home, while raking in taxpayers' cash for her family mansion in Redditch.

MP claims the maximum £400 food allowance for every month of the year, even during the recess when they are unlikely to be away from their main home. They do not need to provide receipts.
Example: Ex-Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott - The self-confessed bulimic gorged his way through the maximum £4,800 allowed for food.

MP buys large household goods, such as beds, wardrobes and televisions, and has them delivered to 'main' home. But they tell the Parliamentary authorities the goods were for their 'second' property.

Before this year, MPs were not required to submit receipts for any claims under £250. Consequently, may claimed close to this limit for goods and services without needing to provide proof of whether they actually spent the money.

NuLabore Ministers.
Nothing but a load of totalitarian, troughing tossers

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1 comment:

banned said...

" Top Of The Troughs "

Fucking Brilliant.