This from March 2010, where he appears to be trying to shake hands with the ghost of a dead soldier . . . .
. . . and this from December 2009, where he appears to be trying to shake hands with the rear end of a helicopter . . .
For fucking fucketty fuck's sake will someone please 'slot' the useless fucker! It's alright, he won't see you coming. The twat's blind as a fucking bat. He can't even see the blood on his own hands.
Love it and so true!!!!!!!!!
Classic lol.
Notice the squaddies have been dis-armed first.
Wonder why ?
Another mouthful of lager down the iPhone.
Well cropped! :-)
The government are bringing out a law in April which might mean Brits will not be able to watch YouTube. They say it is because of people stealing music etc, but I would guess it is also because of political videos against the government!
The next thing they will ban in the uK could well be Photoshop :-)
G.O.T always comes up such great stuff! Well this week we did have some good news to celebrate with having many years of one foot in the grave, we now have the other "Foot" in the grave! Let's just hope it won't be too long at all until that other useless socialist fuckwit of a cunt by the name of Brown will also be.....ahem "Brown bread" Just fuck off and die all you useless Labour cunts!!
The man is just fucking nuts.
He thinks we don't know.
The sad thing is that about 30% of the voters still don't care, they trust Cameron less.
Better the nutter you know than the nonentity that no one knows.
Gordon visits the Army for political purposes:
1. In the run up to the bottled election. He lied, to their faces, about how many troops would be coming home early.
2. A surprise visit last year I think, to spoil David Cameron's visit that had already been arranged. Cameron cancelled his saying it wasn't fair on the troops to use up their resources twice.
3. This one, to cover his arse in light of his words at the Chilcot enquiry.
....And today brings the news that yet another British soldier has been killed in Afghanistan. Brown, Bob the Knob Ainsworth and the rest of fuckwith labour are the biggest bunch of cunts that ever walked this earth!!! I'm so fucking angry with Brown and co I can hardly contain my rage!!
Why not give him a map & a Snatch LandRover & tell him to drive himself to the next venue. And the next. And the next.
Ampers, if we are to be denied Youtube, then will Manglebum qualify for another 22,000 pound wristwatch off his media mogul mate, David Geffen? Seems only fair...
What's this about YouTube?
Please leave us alone...
Deluded nutjob G.Browns moral turpitude on the question of Army equipment has been exposed as 'disingenuous' by former Chief Of Defence Staff Lord Guthrie; what he actually meant was- "That cunt Brown is a big fat fucking lier, get the Army press guys to take some photos of him doing something stupid and send them to G.O.T. for enhancement, Action, This Day."
The blind as a bat glassy one-eyed buffoon is once again off shaking hands with aeroplanes and rifle ends as he wanders about in darkness not knowing his arse from a carbon hole in the atmosphere. What a twit.
I'm suprised to not see him reaching out to grab at soldiers' crotches and using his antidepressant induced blindness as excuse to ply Mandel-Of-Bum's trade as has certainly been taught to Gordie.
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